
Java8 template for OpenFaaS that pulls Java modules from GitHub using JitPack.io

Primary LanguageJava


Java8 OpenFaaS Template that pulls GitHub Modules using JitPack

Templates available in this repository:

  • java-imj - Image Analytics with ImageJ
  • java-fhir - FHIR based ML Model deployments for digital health. paper in print
  • java-h2o - Template for deploying h2o MOJO models for predictions.[Details]

use for H2O models

  • execute script model_example.R
  • copy the generated model to the root folder of the function
  • (the model should be named model.zip)
  • faas new myfunction --lang java-h2o
  • test function curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"Payload" : ["AGE", "68","RACE", "2","PSA", "31.9","GLEASON", "6"] }' http://$OPENFAAS_URL/function/myfunction

Downloading the templates

faas-cli template pull https://github.com/dermatologist/java-ext


  • Please cite the following article:
    title={Serverless on FHIR: Deploying machine learning models for healthcare on the cloud},
    author={Bell Raj Eapen and Kamran Sartipi and Norm Archer},

Using the template

Create a new function (Check the templates available above)

faas-cli new --lang java-imj <fn-name> -p <docker-profile>

Build, push, and deploy

faas-cli up -f <fn-name>.yml

Test the new function

echo -n content | faas-cli invoke <fn-name>
