A symfony2 bundle using the php solor api to speak with a solr server.
NOTE: work in progress, this is gonna be great but almost no docs so far
Define a custom index
namespace Room13\GeoBundle\Solr;
use Room13\SolrBundle\Solr\DoctrineSolrIndex;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
class CityIndex extends DoctrineSolrIndex
public function getName()
return 'room13_geo_city';
public function getFields()
return array(
'name' => 's',
'lat' => 'f',
'lng' => 'f',
public function getType()
return 'Room13\GeoBundle\Entity\City';
2: Register index
<service id="room13.geo.solr.index.city" class="Room13\GeoBundle\Solr\CityIndex">
<tag name="room13.solr.index" />
<argument type="service" id="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" />
Build index ./app/console room13:solr:index --all
Search index ./app/console room13:solr:search --index=room13_geo_city Sup*
Build a search query
$oQuery = sequin\Query::newInstance('"Thomas Newman"') ->andTerm('soundtrack', null, 3) ->andQuery('music', 'dept') ->orTerm('film') ->endQuery() ->notTerm('"Erin Brockovich"');