0x10.cc langs

This repository contains the translation for 0x10.cc website


Data contains yaml file representing the Q&A database.

Questions representation

A question have the following field :

- question: My awesome question
  answer: The awesome answer from Notch
  title_id: X
  - url: first url
    link_name: name of the first url
  - url: second url
    link_name: name of the second url

You can have as many url and link name you want. The title id should be one of the following number:

1: The game
2: The graphics
3: The computer
4: Capability of the computer
5: Space, hardness, and physics related
6: Technically advanced part


Currently the database do not have any timestamp on item. Last are recent, and the order in the file is the order on the website.


The database file should be named like this:



Contains yaml file for translating the fixed content of the website.


The locales file should be named like this:
