
Personal finance tool

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Build Status Latest Release MIT License

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Finance MicroManager

Finance MicroManager is a personal finance management tool designed to allow users in meticulously tracking day-to-day expenses. With a user-friendly interface, this web-based application ensures you have complete control and visibility into your financial life. Input and monitor your expenditures with great detail, allowing you to make informed decisions about your budget, savings, and financial goals. Finance MicroManager provides the tools you need to navigate and manage your finances effectively. Start taking control of your financial future today!

About The Project


Transaction tracking

Transactions page

Tracking your expenses is simple and effective. With the ability to categorize transactions and assign them to specific wallets, you can have precise control over your expenses. Categories allow you to separate and analyse spending habits and pinpoint areas for improvement, while wallets help you track money across different accounts or purposes.

Categories and Subcategories

Category page for car

Our category system is designed for flexibility and precision. You can categorise your expenses into broad categories like "Food" or "Transportation" and further break them down into subcategories like "Groceries" or "Dining Out". This granular approach allows you to optionally capture detailed insights into your spending habits, helping you understand where your money goes with clarity and accuracy. In the example above, a category "Car" is broken down into many subcategories, allowing you to know whether you're spending more money with fuel, parking, or that fancy new car wax.

Profiles and Wallets




Transaction Automations


Transaction Autofill


Other noteworthy features

  • Support for English and Brazilian Portuguese languages
  • Mobile-first responsive layout
  • PWA support


You can self-host Finance MicroManager! The project includes a Dockerfile and configuration files tailored to be hosted in a Kubernetes cluster, but you can also configure your own deployment and host the project anywhere.

Further details on this coming soon

Built With

  • Kubernetes
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Vue
  • Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome


  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis




To configure credentials, copy the contents of config/credentials/credentials.yml.example into the corresponding environment's credentials file, and change the values accordingly.


This list is non-exhaustive, and does not follow any particular order.

  • Allow for more complex transaction automation schedules
  • Transaction Autofill (create autofill rules to speed up the creation of transactions)
  • Batch importing of transactions
  • Better insights and statistics in category and wallet page
  • Authorization management
  • Admin area
  • Splitting transactions into multiple sub-transactions of different categories
  • New Transaction types (transfer between wallets, credit card transactions, etc)
  • Suggest default categories when creating a new profile
  • Category/Subcategory translation support
  • Budgeting support
  • 50/30/20 (needs/wants/savings) rule tracking and insights
  • Support more period types other than just month (week, fortnight, quarter, year)
  • Omniauth authentication
  • Multi factor authentication
  • Notification centre
  • Dark Mode
  • Profile photo support
  • Stream changes to frontend with ActiveCable

The issue and feature tracking is still not in a public platform, but it will eventually be moved to GitHub Issues.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you want to report a bug, or if you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue describing the suggestion or bug. Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b my-amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Implement some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin my-amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.