

Primary LanguageHTML

Assignment: CSS Hell

You will skin 3 project gutenberg stories with custom CSS.

You will skin 2 versions of a possible professional homepage for your self with 2 versions of CSS.

Read requirements.org

Read this comic http://theoatmeal.com/comics/design_hell

git clone https://github.com/abramhindle/CMPUT404-assignment-css-hell.git


Textual content is copyright Abram Hindle (C) 2013 under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 unported license. Attribution should be a hyperlink to the repository and (C) 2013 Abram Hindle visibile in the text.

Code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Part 1 Changes to HTML

Changes made to the HTML of the Gutenberg stories used:

  • Removal of existing embedded CSS code

Changes made to the style of the Gutenberg stories:

  • centralized CSS to style.css file
  • fixed background image of old_paper.jpg applied to all stories
  • body content justify aligned
  • paragraph content is displayed using font family Georgia
  • paragraph content has a overall 15% margin applied
  • first line of all paragraph content is indented 1em
  • margin for the top and bottom of paragraph content is overrided to .5em
  • header content is center aligned
  • header content is displayed using font family Lucida Bright
  • preformatted content is italicized
  • preformatted content has font sized reduced to 90%
  • preformetted content has it's margin shifted 10% in from the left
  • links on pages are set to be blue when not hovered or clicked, red when hovered and purple when clicked
  • links are also set to be underlined when hovered
  • div class fig content, which hold images, are center aligned
  • images within div.fig content are allowed to be a max of 700px in height and width
  • tables with class bold are set to have their contents bold