
streaming to multiple clients

oupala opened this issue · 7 comments

Is it possible with plik to stream a file to multiple clients? If yes, I did not manage to do this...

This could be useful when trying to distribute a file to all attendees of a training.

You say it is impossible, but it appears that another tool is achieving this: Just drop it.

You can have a look at the third screenshot and see that the file is currently being distributed to two clients.

Is there any particular (design?) reason that make multiple streaming impossible to achieve for Plik, but possible for Just drop it?

I think that this is the way Just drop it is working when streaming file to multiple clients: opening one websocket per client:


I note that plik is currently designed for one to one stream transfer.

There is no websocket involved. The content of the upload request body is piped directly to the download response body without any buffering

For streaming to multiple clients maybe you can look at torrent protocols

piping-server support stream to multiple client: