- Lombok
- Favorite Eclipse Shortcuts:
- Ctrl + 1
- Ctrl + Space
- Ctrl + Shift + O
- Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V
- Ctrl + Shift + R and Ctrl + Shift + T
- Ctrl + Click to see the source
- Practice, practice, and practice!
- Which Java Version to Use?
- Spring Boot Feature Lectures
- Understand Spring Boot Project Structure!
- Spring Annotations:
- Component
- Controller
- Repository
- Service
- Configuration
- Bean
- Topical Videos:
- JS
- Spring Tags
- Creating Spring Boot Web Application with Spring Initializr
- Quick Overview of Spring Boot Project
- First Spring MVC Controller:
- @ResponseBody
- @Controller
- Enhancing Spring MVC Controller to Provide HTML Response
- Redirect to a JSP using Spring Boot:
- Controller
- @ResponseBody
- View Resolver
- Exercise: Creating LoginController and Login View
- Quick Overview: How Does Web Work?
- Request and Response
- Capturing QueryParams using RequestParam and First Look at Model
- Quick Overview: Importance of Logging with Spring Boot
- Understanding DispatcherServlet, Model 1, Model 2, and Front Controller
- Creating a Login Form
- Displaying Login Credentials in a JSP using Model
- **Add Hard-coded Validation of UserID and Passwo