
This is a nice, rather small init.el for Emacs24.4 and up.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


This is a nice, rather small init.el for Emacs24.4 and up.

It will install a selected range of packages upon first startup. It will ask you before installing each package.


Installation is as simple as copying init.el to your ~/.emacs.d directory. I recommend however to use a symlink for easy updates:

git clone https://github.com/root42/yet-another-emacs-init-el
cd ~/.emacs.d
ln -s ../yet-another-emacs-init-el/init.el .
cp ../yet-another-emacs-init-el/custom.el .

Installing to a custom place

You can also put this package at some arbitrary place and tell emacs to use the init.el at this custom place:

git clone https://github.com/root42/yet-another-emacs-init-el
emacs -q --load ~/yet-another-emacs-init-el

Customizations will be saved in custom.el in the same directory.

Installed Packages

The following packages will be auto-installed upon first startup:

  • auctex
  • cider
  • clojure-mode
  • company
  • csv-mode
  • ecb
  • exec-path-from-shell
  • flycheck
  • ggtags
  • helm
  • jedi
  • js2-mode
  • magit
  • paredit
  • reftex
  • skewer-mode
  • tabbar


This init.el defines a number of useful shortcuts.

Shortcut Description
f1 Runs cider-refresh which reloads all clojure classes in the current cider REPL.
f2 Runs dabbrev-expand, which tries to cleverly complete the symbol at point.
f3 Switch between header and implementation for C/C++ programs.
f4 Toggles the last two used buffers.
f5,f6 If tabbar is enabled (tabbar-mode), navigates back/forward through tabs.
C-tab,C-S-tab Same as above.
f7 Toggle ispell dictionaries (german/english).
f8 Kill current buffer.
f9 Run compile.
C-f9 Compile current module.
M-? Run grep
M-n Go to next error in compilation buffer.
M-S-n Go to first error in compilation buffer.
M->, M-< Go to next/previous Emacs frame.
M-/ Run autocompletion using company-complete.
C-x o, C-x C-o Go forward/backward through Emacs windows.
M-. Find tag using ggtags.
M-] Find references using ggtags.