
TypeError: must be a real number in QGIS 3.10

merkato opened this issue ยท 5 comments

After updating to QGIS3.10 today QNEAT3 crashes with

[QNEAT3Algorithm] Calculating Iso-Pointcloud...
[QNEAT3Network][calcIsoPoints] Processing Point 0
TypeError: must be real number, not QgsPointXY

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mechanik/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/QNEAT3/algs/", line 228, in processAlgorithm
iso_pointcloud = net.calcIsoPoints(list_apoints, max_dist)
File "/home/mechanik/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/QNEAT3/", line 197, in calcIsoPoints
pt_m = QgsPoint(
SystemError: <class 'qgis._core.QgsPoint'> returned a result with an error set

In QGIS 3.8 same dataset calculates as an charm :)

Hi @merkato ! Thank you for reporting this issue - I can confirm that QNEAT3 is currently broken with QGIS 3.10. The bug seems to be caused by a change in the QgsPoint() API which currently doesn't except QgsPointXY() objects. This can be tested by opening the python console in QGIS and typing pt = QgsPoint(QgsPointXY(1,2)) which yields same error as you experience. I will try to publish a fix based on changing the line to something like pt = QgsPoint(QgsPointXY(1,2).x(), QgsPointXY(1,2).y()) (which works) and filing a bug ticket at the QGIS repository. I will keep you posted.

I just pushed a solution to the QNEAT3 repo. Could you clone the repo and test with the fix? It works on my machine. If it also works for you I will release a new QNEAT3 version to

Works for me :) Thanks @root676 !!

Nice! I just uploaded the new version, waiting for approval from QGIS.

The new version of QNEAT3 has been approved by the QGIS devs and is available for download in the QGIS plugin manager. Additionally, a bugfix for the QGIS API has been pushed to the QGIS master branch (bugfixing in less than 24 hours - cudos to the QGIS devs!).