- Experimental and learining purposes, to brake down and understand the meaning behind the code.
- Create a blank template for plug and play with your site of choice.
Ever wanted auto replys in your messeging platform. Now you can... take a look at how I manage to make a bot that will talk back to you! Feel free to clone and inprove upon my starter files. Happy coding.
With is basic and simple structure you too can have an automated bot replying to your messages when you are not availabe. Follow our code as we experiment with bots crossing our fingers that the Bot Father lets us proceed ;)
├── GemFile
│ └── gem require
├── Ruby
└── bot.rb
└── data.rb
├── .rubocop.yml
├── .stickler.yml
├── README.md
- Ruby, Ruby Gems, Rubocop, and the Bot Father
- Clone directory $ git clone https://github.com/rootDEV2990/ruby_game_tic_tac_toe
- Open terminal type cd /path/to/folder and hit enter.
- Change to directory with "bot.rb" file.
- Run "bot.rb" file with ruby inside terminal, type ruby bot.rb
- Take a brake let your bot answer for you.
Ruby installed on your computer to be able to run the script.
- Runs conditionals based on input.
- Replys with in miliseconds.
- Never asks for sick days.
👤 Miguel Angel Enciso Sanchez
- Github: @rootDEV2990
- Twitter: @m29902
- Linkedin: linkedin
- Medium: medium
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Bitcoin donations accepted ;)