Welcome to my first ruby project. In this project i will take an array and bubble sort it. The patern will check the first number vs second then it will swap or move to next number and repair.
Additional description about the project and its features.
- Ruby
- Rubocop
Clone directory and run with Ruby. Open terminal inside project folder and type "ruby hello.rb" and hit enter.
Ruby installed on your computer to be able to read/run this file.
If your using Arch you can type in terminal..
sudo pacman -S ruby --noconfirm
to install. if your OS is diffrent check out the link bellow.
Text editor, Terminal and Ruby.
👤 Miguel Angel Enciso Sanchez
- Github: @rootDEV2990
- Twitter: @m29902
- Linkedin: linkedin
- Medium: medium
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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