This program is meant to be used together with screen_share.
This program can be started on for example your server somewhere, then you share your screen to this program and this program can forward to connected web clients.
This program is a rewrite of the Java program screen_share_remote.
I recently started looking into Go (I love it) and felt that this program was a great fit for Go.
You need to generate a new config file. They are almost the same except bcrypt is used instead of Argon2 for password hashing.
And if you're using a reverse proxy the Host header need to be forwarded as well. Because Gorilla WebSocket defaults to allow only if Host and Origin headers matches.
Usage: screen_share_remote_go-<VERSION>-<PLATFORM> [/path/to/conf | genconf | noconf]
Example: ./screen_share_remote_go-<VERSION>-<PLATFORM> genconf
Available command-line options:
1. /path/to/screen_share_remote.conf (start screen_share_remote)
2. genconf (generate new config file)
3. noconf (start without saving config)
$ ./screen_share_remote_go-<VERSION>-<PLATFORM> genconf
Generate screen_share_remote.conf file in working directory which is:
Will overwrite if already exists
The config file will contain these attributes:
1. port number (port number to enter in screen_share)
2. web server port number (port the web server will serve on)
3. password (password to enter in screen_share)
4. self-signed TLS certificate (whose fingerprint to enter in screen_share)
5. RSA private key (corresponding to certificate)
Do note that the RSA private key is stored in cleartext, so make sure
to make the config file inaccessible for unauthorized parties.
Or you could run in the 'noconf' mode, which means a new private key will be
generated each time. Without saving to disk.
Leave empty and press ENTER for the [default] value
1. enter port number (0-65535) [50000]:
2. enter web server port number (0-65535) [8081]:
3. enter password [random]:
Generating a 4096-bit RSA key pair and a self-signed certificate... done.
certificate fingerprint:
Config file created:
The settings 'port' and 'webPort' is changeable, the rest is not
If you need to change the password/certificate run genconf again
You may want to set up screen_share_remote_go
behind a reverse proxy like NGINX.
WebSockets is used so the reverse proxy need to be set up for that. Host header should be forwarded as well.
Following is an example location config block in NGINX.
location / {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
Docker is used for building (Dockerfile) so make sure you have docker installed.
For dependency management dep is used, but code is checked out in vendor/
so dep is
not required for building.
Run following to output in bin/release/<VERSION>
./ release
Run following to output in bin/dev
GNU General Public License 3 or later
See LICENSE for more details.