
A toy language i made to learn langdev

Primary LanguageRust


Shlang originally started as dumbSyth Syth is my dream programing language but as i never had made a language before i couldnt make good design decisions, so i decided to actually make a language.

Originally Shlang was to have no controlflow, no functions, no variables nothing like that, the goal was to print out something in the screen, therefore only 2 keywords existed print and input, as more work was put on the interpreter originally made in c++, more features were added and it quickly went much further then the original goal, somehow print and input stayed as keywords even when moving to rust, only removed fairly recently.


  • and
  • break
  • continue
  • do
  • else
  • false
  • func
  • if
  • loop
  • not
  • null
  • or
  • return
  • true
  • var
  • while
  • struct
  • new

The language

Shlangs has no statements as so everything is an expression


Variables are a way of storing values in named containers, can be declared using var, as shlang is dynamic it doesnt have type annotation.

var a = 1;
# or
var a;

By default a variable will have null


In shlang all numbers are floats, meaning that all numbers can have decimal points



Strings are a way of representing text

"hey hey 


Booleans can be either true or false, booleans are used to build complex logic.

Boolean logic

In shlang you can use and,or,not or &,|,! for boolean algebra.

(true and false) or (true & false) and (not true) | (!true)


Shlang has 2 types of nothing void and null, null can be assigned to variables while void cant.

Custom data types

User definable data types can be created using the struct block

struct foo {
    var msg;
    func hello(){

Each struct field can be accessed using .

foo.msg = "hello world!";

To construct the struct ie: making a new instance of that struct you use the new keyword

var new_foo = new foo{msg:1};

Note modifying the instance with . will not modify its definiton

foo.msg = "hey";
var new_foo = new foo{};
# msg is stil null

To construct a struct inside of itself you pass in Self in the struct name

struct foo {
    var msg;
    func hello(){
    func make(_msg){
        return new Self{msg:_msg};


Coments are lines of code that are used for documentation, and are completly ignored.

  • Single line comments
# weeee
  • Mutiline line comments

Compound Assignment

In shlang there many ways to assign a variable the most common being a = 1;, but there exist shorthands to further facilitate these tasks.

  • += assigns the added value of the variable and the value of the expression.
  • -= assigns the subtracted value of the variable and value of the expression.
  • *= assigns the multiplies value of the variable and value of the expression.
  • /= assigns the divided value of the variable and value of the expression.


A block is a list of expression that are envolved by {}

#this expression contains a block


Shlang has first class functions, meaning you can treat them as any other value. Creating a function object can be done with func.

var foo = func(bar){
    return bar;

On functions the return value will be implicitely null if nothing is returned

Defining functions can be done by giving a name to func

func foo(bar){
    return bar;

Results and returns


return is used to return values from functions.

func foo() {
    return 1;

appon a return all other code will be ignored

Implicit returns/results

Results work by returning the last statement in a block and only if that last statement doesnt have a semicolon

var foo = do {
    3 # results in 3
};# foo now has 3 
var foo = do {
# foo is now null as no value was returned 

results can be used in variable assignment and binary ops

print("hi"+if true {"a"} else {"b"})

If expressions

Ifs are expressions which their block will only be evaluated if a condition is true. as if is an expression you can use it in assignment/declaration, turning it into a sort of ternary statement

var inp = input();
var stuff = if inp == "hey"{"heyo!"} else {":("};

you can chain ifs with else if

var inp = input();
var stuff = if inp == "hey"{
else if inp == "ahoy"{

Do expressions

Do blocks are expressions with blocks that immidately execute, think of like this a if true

var num = do {
    var inserted = input();


Loops are expressions that will continually evaluate a block there are 2 types of loops, while loops and loop

Break and Continue

break and continue allow to control the flow of execution of a loop

  • break stops the loop
  • continue continues to the next evaluation of the block ignoring all other code

Note using results or returns will have the same effect as break


This loop will run indefinitely.

loop {


This loop will run while a condition is true.

var a = 0;
while a < 10 {
    a += 1;

Language Defaults


  • println() takes in n arguments and logs them to the console with a space on each argument, and flushes with a newline
hey ho
  • print() takes in n arguments and logs them to the console with a space on each argument, and doesnt print a newline
# hey hoahoy
  • input() optionally takes in a prompt and retrieves user input as a string
var a = input("insert 2:");
var b = input();
# hey hoahoy
  • parse_num() parses numbers from strings
  • to_str(val) converts a value to a string
  • typeof(val) returns the type of a value as a string
typeof(1)           # "num"
typeof(true)        # "bool"
typeof("s")         # "str"
typeof(1)           # "num"
typeof(null)        # "null"
typeof(println)     # "func"
typeof(var a = 1)   # "void"

String methods

  • .char_at(index) returns a character from a specified index returning null if the index is out of bounds
"abc".char_at(1); # "b"
"a".char_at(9); # null
  • .substr(start,length) returns a slice of the string that starts at the start index and towards a length, returning null if either value is invalid
"hello world".substr(0,4); # "hello"
"a".substr(1,4); # null
  • .parse_num() parses a number from a value returning null if the number is invalid
"1_000.1".parse_num(); # 1000.1
"abc".parse_num() # null

Number methods

  • .to_string() converts a number to a string
9.to_string() # "9"