- 6
Bug: `requires composer-plugin-api ^1.0 -> found composer-plugin-api[2.3.0]` on `composer install`
#93 opened by strarsis - 2
yarn fails to run
#76 opened by hemang-ajmera - 1
Ansible issue
#81 opened by BenjaminWaye - 1
- 1
Confused about instructions
#70 opened by tyssen - 1
SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host "". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh
#67 opened by UbuntuEvangelist - 0
- 0
vagrant up fails in my setup
#58 opened by crs1138 - 2
sage --branch sage-8 doesn't exist anymore
#59 opened by kirkbross - 0
showing composer not found did you mean
#56 opened by abhayp-cedcoss - 1
- 1
Box 'bento/ubuntu-16.04' could not be found
#54 opened by of6 - 2
- 1
Old mailhog version produces Ansible deprecation warnings due to outdated role spec syntax
#51 opened by ssteinerx - 10
- 5
Ansible error on El Capitan
#43 opened by slip - 1
- 2
Setup query
#41 opened by nickeblewis - 1
node_module install fail
#40 opened by dealion - 0
#39 opened by akincansenol - 3
- 1
Outdated Trellis hooks
#31 opened by bokorir - 1
Error after running vagrant up
#30 opened by aburi - 0
Trying to clone repository
#28 opened by aburi - 0
Trying to clone repository
#29 opened by aburi - 5
#18 opened by austinpray - 3
Site Missing Styling
#27 opened by BrandonShutter - 1
Composer command not found
#24 opened by pstonier - 0
Soil plugin should be activated by default
#20 opened by pablopaul - 7
- 3
directory permissions of dist
#22 opened by leoj3n - 0
- 2
- 2
- 2
Missing roles
#15 opened by skinofstars - 3
Wrong path for Ansible in Vagranfile
#12 opened by vb - 1
Vagrant provisioning fails
#10 opened by ringvold - 2
Permission denied (publickey)
#8 opened by stopspazzing - 1
Install Ansible Galaxy roles
#7 opened by meip - 1