binancescanner is a price and volume scanner with customizable threshold notifications written in Python 3. Eyes everywhere for monitoring fast moving markets! One part of the traderstoolkit coming soon.
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Binance, use at your own risk. There are no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied. You assume all responsibility and liability.
- Change trading pair (from BTC to USDT, ETH or BNB)
- Change volume threshold (in BTC)
- Change price and volume difference thresholds (in percentage)
High-speed Internet connection
Python 3.6
You will need to run the following:
$ py -m pip install python-binance
$ py -m pip install twisted
$ py -m pip install colorama
$ py
Running on Linux or Mac crashes due to colorama
If you need any help join the dedicated discord server
If you want to contribute please fork and submit a pull request.
binancescanner is currently in early testing stages but will be expanding soon:
- Add instructions for no0bs (COMPLETED)
- Improve triggering conditions for notifications
- Requirements file
- Docstrings
- Graceful exception handling
- Command line arguments for TRADING PAIR and THRESHOLDS
- Test colorama on Linux and Mac
- Install git, python 3.6, pip, MS Visual C++ 14.0 2015 and the required modules
- Create a folder anywhere (for example: desktop)
- Open command prompt and cd to that folder
- Clone repo to folder using git
- cd into the cloned repo
- Run
The traderstoolkit is a collection of scripts and tools to allow easier trading. Each tool will be released standalone as they are completed and the toolkit will be released as a whole at a later date.
*testing for public release **in development
-* - multiple trades, single currency trading bot
-* - arbitrage calculator for multiple currencies
-** - arbitrage calculator for multiple currencies with built-in trader
- - eyes everywhere! price and volume scanner with customizable threshold notifications
-** - arbitrage calculator for multiple currencies
-** - arbitrage calculator for multiple currencies with built-in trader
-** - single trade, single currency (XBTUSD) trading bot
-* - configurable real time sentiment analysis of tweets associated with particular cryptocurrencies (susceptible to spam tweets/bots)
If this library helped you out feel free to donate:
- ETH: 0x1f9145dA965506e41924460Dd86E60ce1083be6c
- LTC: MDfztCZvet4jGFFUbi8TwNts3uayZmGebJ
- BCH: 19iLgsCkXQY8wJXqnRVN64kL5pWs2bLqbW
- BTC: 3BZg92TdEW3utKy5ErDtV2kbdGtK33Z9CB