
Hero of Allacrost: an open source role-playing game built with a custom game engine

Primary LanguageLua

This repository contains the source code for Hero of Allacrost. Hero of Allacrost is a free-to-play 2D single-player role playing game written in C++ and Lua. It is created using a custom-built game engine and map editor. Releases are supported for Linux, OS X, and Windows, and it has been ported to other systems such as FreeBSD as well. Allacrost is designed in the image of classic console RPGs where our focus is on a compelling story and engaging gameplay.

The true home of this project lives not here on Github, but rather at this BitBucket project page. This Github repository contains a copy of the build and source files, but not any of the media files. There are a few reasons why I copied this code over to Github.

  1. A major disadvantage of BitBucket is that it is difficult for potential contributors to naturally discover.
  2. The code and its accompanying documentation are a great source of learning, and I wanted to better share that as well.
  3. This project is where I personally make the majority of my open source contributions and I want my Github profile to reflect this.

If you're interested in learning more about the project, read on and you'll find links to further details. If you're intrigued about this type of project but adamant about only contributing within the Github community, consider having a look at Valyria Tear. This is another great RPG project with many similarities to Allacrost, as it was built from a fork of Allacrost several years ago.


The website contains periodic project status updates, download links, and other information. To get in contact with someone on the Allacrost team, either post in the forums or hop into our Discord server. The wiki serves as our home for both user and developer documentation, and contains a lot of content about the development process of the project's code, art, music, and other content.


The link above contains all the information you need to download and play the game. Be aware that the latest official release may not reflect the current state of the code found here.


If you wish to contribute to this project, we would be glad to receive your help. This page is your starting point for finding more information about how to contribute, the project roadmap, and what you can expect. Allacrost is a large project and we could always find use for another programmer, artist, composer, designer, or translator.


All code and content in this repository is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, except where otherwise stated. See the licenses.txt file in the repository for a list of content credited to external projects and people and the licenses under which that content is used under.