Rootstrap - Create Rootstrap React Native App ⭐️

You can build any react native app using our template that have some additional benefits like:

  • Multiple environments pre-configured (Dev, QA, Staging, Prod) for iOS and Android
  • Support of environment variables using react-native-config
  • React Navigation with Typescript support
  • React query for network state management
  • Zustand for local state management (Persisted using react-native-mmkv)

We build this project highly inspired in create-obytes-app and ignite-template


npx create-rootstrap-app@latest APP_NAME


You can cd APP_NAME and try to run your app using the following command:

npm run ios:dev || npm run android:dev

Did you find an issue?

You can open a ticket here issues so we fix and helping you to start new apps faster and grater. 😁