Full Modular Monolith Rails application with Domain-Driven Design approach. Inspired by
- 8viusMexico City
- adamkiczulaOntra
- ailecksandrLeobit LLC
- aka-nez@wallarm
- alienxp03Kuala Lumpur
- asdolo@rootstrap
- cdhagmannPower Auctions, LLC
- ckellis
- danhorst@Interfolio
- danielvdaoNiva
- DerekCrossonSandton, South Africa
- djdarkbeat
- elyalvaradoKitchener, ON, Canada
- eugemiran@rootstrap
- guillermoap@HireArt
- harry-grahamSanctus
- Jajabenit250@muguzi
- jamesthompsongustoGusto
- jimmypoulsen@lexly-tech
- jploskonka@tjekvik
- JuannFerrariArgentina
- JulianPasqualeRootstrap
- lilpacyCryptoGames, Inc. / CryptoAI, Inc.
- mbackermann@Latermedia
- meneerprins@Yobbers
- mtking2@Tripleseat
- n04hACCEL LAB Ltd.
- ohishikaitoTokyo
- PerezIgnacio
- ptsavdarLondon
- railscardAlmere, the Netherlands
- rtcomsQhost
- scuciatto@RocketChat
- sebaherrera07Rainforest QA
- viral810Toronto, ON Canada
- zero51zero51