
symfony push notification bundle for ios , android devices .

Primary LanguagePHP


symfony push notification bundle for ios , android devices . based on Ph3nol/NotificationPusher .



composer require rth/notification-bundle "dev-master"

in your AppKernel.php file add following line :

public function registerBundles()
		$bundles = array(
		new Rth\NotificationBundle\RthNotificationBundle(), // push notification bundle

now add these lines in app/config.yml

	r360_notification.apns.pem: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/apple.pem" # could be production or sandbox/dev 
	r360_notification.gcm.key: "api_key" # google api key for push 
	r360_notification.env: prod # environment depends on your key for pem file 

update database schema

	doctrine:schema:update --force

How to use ?

add device to database

	$notificaionManager = $this->get('r360_notification.service');
    $notificaionManager->addDevice($os, $token);

send push notification

	$notificaionManager = $this->get('r360_notification.service');
    $notificaionManager->sendNotifications(Device_entity, 'i have send 1 push to device' );

add device entity to any entities

	<one-to-one field="device" target-entity="Rth\NotificationBundle\Entity\Device">
        <join-column name="device_id" referenced-column-name="id" />     

$notificaionManager = $this->get('r360_notification.service');
$notificaionManager->addDevice($os, $token, $entity );	

To Do

many many things .

more useage for now :
