
dota 2 api framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


VERSION 1.7.30 beta

about dota 2 api framework . see demo below and please use latest browsers . demo : demo/

this framework based on dota 2 api (http://www.dota2wiki.com/wiki/API) and php language .

this framework built on my extra time so it means it may have a few bug and errors but i am working on it still in my free times to stabilized it . please review license .


clone project

from command/bash line run :

 git clone https://github.com/roozbeh360/dota-2-engine.git dota2engine  


from command/bash line run :

curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install

first of all you should enable these extentions in php.ini or on your host . find these lines and remove ; from beginning .

;extension=php_curl.dll ;extension=php_gmp.dll like this : extension=php_curl.dll extension=php_gmp.dll

then you must get api key from valve :


at last edit action/config/config.php

    static public  $api_key = "key";
clear 	key and write your api key .

Do not forget .

static public $api_url = "http://api.steampowered.com/" ;
static public $api_dota_name ="IDOTA2Match_205790";

above lines is api url if you change http to https it will using https portocol to load data and it have more benefits than http like get more data from steam profiles . IDOTA2Match_205790 is test version of api so when the times come to use it then you should change it to IDOTA2Match_570 .

ok that's it .

you can even make it faster by enabling php memCached extention .



it's very easy just add engine.php to your php file and load objects .

exp :

require_once 'engine.php' ;

$doProcess = new doProcess();
$match = $doProcess->fetchMatchDetailsById(1455138);
	if($match->getRadiant_win() ) 
		echo '<h3 align="center" style="color: #92a51b">Radiant win</h3>'; 
	else echo '<h3 align="center" style="color: #c22f19">Dire win</h3>'; 
	echo '<h4 style="color: white;" text-align="center">';
		echo gmdate("Y-m-d  H:i:s ", $match->getStart_time());
	else echo gmdate("Y-m-d TH:i:s ", $match->getStarttime());

	echo ' Mode: '.$match->getGame_mode_name().' Duration: '.round(((int)$match->getDuration()/60)).' min'.'</h4>' ;
	echo '<span style="float: right; font-size: 1.2em;"><a href="'.$match->getMatch_replay().'">Download Replay</a></span>'  ;
// you can also see demo directory for more sample

For full documents see documention/index.html .

Or see core/repository/base/baseMatchDetails.class.php for get* functions you can use .

Api Support

Type URL
GetMatchHistory https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory/v001/
GetMatchDetails https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchDetails/v001/
GetPlayerSummaries https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/
GetLeagueListing https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetLeagueListing/v0001/
GetHeroes Internal Use can be extended
GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v0001/
GetTeamInfoByTeamID https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTeamInfoByTeamID/v001/
GetLiveLeagueGames https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetLiveLeagueGames/v0001/
GetScheduledLeagueGames https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetScheduledLeagueGames/v001/
EconomySchema https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_570/GetSchema/v0001/
In future

For Expert Developers

dota2engine support multi level programming !

you can make your own api on top of frame work for example see:


//test_api_maker.php or http://dota.remake.ir/test_api_maker.php

require_once 'engine.php' ;

// template helpers are just for giving you good implementation to build fast and better view . 
// they are not core system just for help .
require_once 'helpers/template/item.helper.php' ; 
require_once 'helpers/template/position.helper.php' ; 

// using analyze helper
require_once 'helpers/analyze/analyze.helper.php' ; 

$doProcess = new doProcess();
$match = $doProcess->fetchMatchDetailsById(186887325);

echo  '<h3> make api respone over framework </h3><br />' ;
echo  '<h4> full match data (any thing you need of ) </h4><br />' ;		
// full match data (any thing you need of )
$api_maker_data = JsonHandler::encodeToApi($match);
print_r($api_maker_data) ;	
echo '<br />' ;	

echo  '<h4> full player data dumping (any thing you need of ) </h4><br />' ;	
// full player data dumping (any thing you need of )	
$players =  $match->getPlayers();
$api_maker_data = JsonHandler::encodeToApi($players);
print_r($api_maker_data) ;	
echo '<br />' ;		

echo  '<h3> customize api respone over framework </h3><br />' ;
echo  '<h4> helper data analyze </h4><br />' ;	

echo  '<h6> best Player </h6><br />' ;	
$bestPlayer = $analyzer->analyzeBestWarrior($players) ;
// helper data analyze
$api_maker_data = JsonHandler::encodeToApi($bestPlayer);
print_r($api_maker_data) ;	
echo '<br />' ;	

echo  '<h6> top 10 players </h6><br />' ;	
$top10players = $analyzer->analyzeTopTenWarriors($players) ;
// full match data (any thing you need of )
$api_maker_data = JsonHandler::encodeToApi($top10players);
print_r($api_maker_data) ;	
echo '<br />' ;	

else echo 'not found' ; 


the objects contain all data needed for any process so only convert it to json data , you can use other api call in same way .


it's full implemented ? not still but i am working on it . and it doesn't support EconomySchema api for now .

why cc copyright ? it still need more test and more developers to come so i need to introduce it and get helps .

how about the framework speed ? it's just fine but dota 2 api is not working well

what about dota.remake.ir ? it's just demo file for speed test and functionality review .

can i ask questions or see release news ? https://www.facebook.com/Dota2Engine .