
A python library for the Twitter API. OAuth, complete coverage, streaming API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

 /_  __/_      __ ___   ___   ____   __  __
  / /  | | /| / // _ \ / _ \ / __ \ / / / /
 / /   | |/ |/ //  __//  __// /_/ // /_/ / 
/_/    |__/|__/ \___/ \___// .___/ \__, /  
                          /_/     /____/ 

A Twitter library for Python! Also works with identi.ca/laconi.ca !

  + OAuth support (including xAuth)
  + Covers the entire Twitter API
  + Actively under development
  + Streaming API support
  + Cache system (memory, file)

Documentation: http://joshthecoder.github.com/tweepy/docs/index.html
Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/tweepy
Chat: IRC freenode.net #tweepy
      Web interface: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=tweepy
Wiki: http://wiki.github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy
Bug tracker: http://github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy/issues

Souce code: 
    Library: http://github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy
    Examples: http://github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy-examples

Author: Joshua Roesslein
License: MIT
  Python 2.4 or newer
  Simplejson <http://undefined.org/python/#simplejson>
    **Included in python 2.6+
  Python-OAuth <http://code.google.com/p/oauth>
    **Bundled with this library