- 0
Transfer to personal account?
#37 opened by maelle - 1
make an installation guide
#32 opened by will-r-chase - 1
API breaking change. Update required for articles that use transition_components() or transition_reveal()
#34 opened by adam-gruer - 0
- 1
clean up github page
#33 opened by will-r-chase - 0
Add Infographic explaining the functions
#22 opened by adam-gruer - 2
- 0
Consider a page on object permanence and the effect of setting the group aesthetic
#25 opened by thomasp85 - 1
- 1
- 3
add a toc to each Rmd file
#10 opened by adam-gruer - 0
Tidy the shadow function descriptions
#14 opened by djnavarro - 1
do a write up/demo of transition_events
#16 opened by adam-gruer - 4
add a guide for collaborators
#20 opened by adam-gruer - 2
More functions to explore and document
#3 opened by adam-gruer - 5
editors welcomed
#2 opened by adam-gruer - 1
Animated Sankey chart
#4 opened by adam-gruer - 0
Add bling to baby names plot
#8 opened by adam-gruer - 2
Convert the posts to a bookdown book
#9 opened by adam-gruer - 2
Add issues/q to gganimate at will
#1 opened by thomasp85 - 3
Same code, different animations
#27 opened by SandyMuspratt - 5
- 1
- 1
add the names and links of submitters of pull requests to a collaborators section on README.Rmd
#19 opened by adam-gruer - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
Add ozunconf topic to repo
#7 opened by adam-gruer