
Search bar broken

malcolmbarrett opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi -- thanks for this great resource!

On Chrome and Safari, the search bar does not work (it doesn't appear when clicking). I have seen this on two separate Macs. I haven't been able to replicate this in other bookdown sites, so I think it may be something about the configuration for this site, and I wanted to bring it to your attention. Thanks!

Maybe it's an issue with the latest bookdown? The search bar does not work for me either, but neither does a clone of when I render locally and view in a browser. Would you install bookdown 0.20, render with bookdown::render_book('index.Rmd', 'all'), open _book/index.html in a browser, and try the search bar there?

When I build and serve the manual locally with

servr::httw(".", site.dir = "_book")

then the search bar works. On the gh-pages branch I see the usual search bar JS and CSS code makes it into For the website itself, the only messages in the browser's developer console are about Google Analytics cookies.

In other words, I do not know how to debug this, and I will need the help of a PR or someone who is more experienced in web development.

I'm having basically the same results. I see that other rOpenSci books are ok (e.g., so it's not simply an issue of using GH pages...

Wow, this is some serious detective work. Nice job and thanks for fixing!