- 3
- 0
Display citation and author fields in the html page
#117 opened by ccamara - 4
- 1
Address width and scrolling in Shiny apps
#102 opened by amoeba - 0
Using dataspice for multiple datasets
#112 opened by robitalec - 0
Complete final tasks from onboarding
#107 opened by amoeba - 0
- 0
Make use of rhandsontable's read only features
#105 opened by amoeba - 0
Migrate from spread to pivot_wider
#101 opened by amoeba - 4
Session_Info generator
#98 opened by derek-corcoran-barrios - 0
Feature request: Add file to attributes
#100 opened by maia-sh - 0
Adding a DOI
#99 opened by maia-sh - 1
Add Test and covr workflows
#97 opened by amoeba - 1
Switch default branch to main
#96 opened by amoeba - 1
Create 1.0 release
#89 opened by amoeba - 1
- 0
Go through ropensci onboarding
#95 opened by amoeba - 2
Provide a function to export as EML XML?
#80 opened by amoeba - 0
Do an editing pass of shiny apps
#88 opened by amoeba - 0
Document eml_spice functions
#87 opened by amoeba - 2
Fix CRAN issues
#91 opened by amoeba - 4
- 2
- 8
- 3
Discussion: Can/should we be able to import a dataspiced dataset from the web/elsewhere?
#57 opened by amoeba - 0
- 0
build "time coverage" helper function
#40 opened by magpiedin - 1
- 3
Convert Schema JSON-LD into tabular formats?
#55 opened by cboettig - 2
EML to dataspice formats
#62 opened by isteves - 2
- 4
Discussion: Non-HTML output formats (like Rmd/md)
#56 opened by amoeba - 8
- 3
Improve look and feel for the HTML
#46 opened by amoeba - 1
- 9
Decide on licensing
#44 opened by amoeba - 5
- 3
- 2
error: premature EOF
#78 opened by ceefluz - 1
spec_tbl_df error
#86 opened by Aariq - 2
data access not displayed in website
#83 opened by jeanetteclark - 6
Also interested in talking to you! (Psych-DS)
#74 opened by mekline - 14
We should talk...
#71 opened by ptsefton - 2
- 1
#69 opened by nujcharee - 9
Odd attributes table behaviour in index.html when description and unitText empty.
#66 opened by annakrystalli - 15
hex sticker needed
#42 opened by aurielfournier - 2
Create ropensci blog post
#61 opened by amoeba - 0
edit_biblio adds empty row on save
#58 opened by annakrystalli - 2
Create demo repo for dataspice
#34 opened by amoeba