- 0
- 1
- 3
Example spelling "mistakes"
#54 opened by statzhero - 2
When to expect v3.0.2 on CRAN?
#53 opened by GegznaV - 0
- 2
French Canadian?
#51 opened by amarakon - 3
Build against system hunspell
#34 opened by QuLogic - 4
- 3
- 1
Fix CI setup
#44 opened by GegznaV - 0
Figure is missing
#46 opened by GegznaV - 1
Use proper rstudio dictionary api
#39 opened by jeroen - 0
Request: Add these words to the English Dictionary in next release of Hunspell
#40 opened by phargarten2 - 1
Multiple dictionaries
#38 opened by meztez - 3
- 1
Wordlist case bug
#29 opened by jeroen - 1
Case-insensitive checking flag
#22 opened by fritttr - 1
Including more commands in
#32 opened by HughParsonage - 1
use regex with ignore param?
#1 opened by sckott - 5
Add words?
#4 opened by maelle - 4
- 2
hunspell_suggest is slow
#7 opened by dominiqueemmanuel - 2
FR: add 'format = Rd' parsing capabilities
#28 opened by MichaelChirico - 2
Resetting ignored words
#30 opened by oloverm - 10
Error when assigning dictionary to variable
#31 opened by oloverm - 1
- 1
Support for md/Rmd files
#24 opened by fmichonneau - 2
Emoji in text causes segfault
#25 opened by druzinis - 24
hunspell in RStudio
#21 opened by tencnivel - 2
- 7
Hyphenation support?
#20 opened by gaborcsardi - 3
- 1
installation failed on Microsoft R Server
#18 opened by kevinbsc - 8
unexpected install error?
#9 opened by cboettig - 2
- 12
- 5
problems with encoding in windows
#16 opened by dfalbel - 2
put NEWS bits in releases
#8 opened by sckott - 5
failed installing
#10 opened by thierrygosselin - 1
BugReports URL doesn't work
#6 opened by plroebuck - 2
Parser crashes for very large strings
#5 opened by trinker - 33
Use system dictionaries
#3 opened by artemklevtsov - 1
remove duplicates?
#2 opened by sckott