
iheatmapr in shiny is not responsive

daattali opened this issue · 1 comments

Generally, any output in shiny knows how to adjust its width based on its container. When the width of the browser window changes, outputs expand/shrink automatically to fit in the new width.

This does not seem to be the case for iheatmapr.

Example - in the following app, the plotly plot responds if you change the window size, but the heatmap remains the same size it was initially


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$plot <- plotly::renderPlotly({
        plotly::plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~mpg, y = ~cyl)
    output$heatmap <- iheatmapr::renderIheatmap({
        mat <- matrix(rnorm(24), nrow = 6)
        annotation = data.frame(gender = c(rep("M", 3),rep("F",3)),
                                age = c(20,34,27,19,23,30))
            cluster_rows = "hclust",
            cluster_cols = "kmeans", 
            col_k = 3, 
            row_annotation = annotation

shinyApp(ui, server)

Again see towards-0.8 branch, maybe not the right solution but works for now