- 4
Error with SIC 5-digit 2007 concept
#33 opened by stephenjarvis - 1
'SLL certificate has expired' error
#32 opened by jessCfisher - 1
Rounded values when pulling through NM_31_1
#30 opened by Lydiaargh - 5
nomis_get_data appears to have stopped working
#31 opened by AlexStead - 1
- 6
nomis_get_data error - Can't combine `RECORD_COUNT` <double> and `RECORD_COUNT` <character>
#27 opened by JoannaWatson - 1
Use show_col_types = FALSE in read_csv calls
#25 opened by jackobailey - 2
- 2
- 1
- 6
Suppression rules in nomisr v nomis web
#21 opened by ninarobery - 2
Data appears to be missing for certain indicators using nomisr but available to download through nomis web - is there a reason for this?
#18 opened by ninarobery - 1
- 3
Issue with nome_get_data
#15 opened by mriyayi - 8
'nomis_data_info' function times out
#13 opened by ralphlsmith - 2
Does 'select' work properly?
#12 opened by JimShady - 2
Trouble downloading data
#11 opened by JimShady - 1
release notes and news
#9 opened by sckott - 5
Write JOSS paper
#4 opened by evanodell - 1
#8 opened by Chrisjb - 0
- 3
Appveyor badge and webhook
#6 opened by maelle