- 3
- 4
Installation error on debian 10 (buster)
#41 opened by mkaranja - 4
- 4
- 1
Camera crashes rstudio in MacOS Mojave
#9 opened by jeroen - 1
Switch to wechat qrcode scanner ?
#38 opened by jeroen - 3
magick to opencv
#36 opened by jwijffels - 5
Problems with installation
#3 opened by laresbernardo - 2
Is there a SIFT in this package
#37 opened by mytarmail - 9
Moving from ImageJ to OpenCV
#35 opened by rkrug - 5
text detection example
#34 opened by engineerchange - 0
is this package still maintained?
#33 opened by waynelapierre - 9
- 2
- 4
Mac Install: No OpenCV 3 or newer?
#28 opened by dcaud - 10
add travis opencv 4
#27 opened by jwijffels - 7
How to access cvmat_[...] and find_data_xml functions embedded in the ocv_[] functions
#21 opened by benyamindsmith - 2
add feature extractors
#26 opened by jwijffels - 4
how to link correctly?
#20 opened by jwijffels - 1
- 8
- 2
"/usr/share/OpenCV/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml": No such file or directory
#24 opened by turgut090 - 0
list of packages which use opencv
#23 opened by jwijffels - 6
Blur detection using R opencv
#19 opened by ghareesh - 2
Morphological transformations with ropencv
#18 opened by ghareesh - 3
- 4
I'd like to work on it.
#10 opened by jwijffels - 0
LiveStreaming and snapshots
#13 opened by maalid - 0
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- 1
- 2
openCV4 macOS trouble
#8 opened by monsieurxu - 0
ocv_face() parameters / threshold
#5 opened by amrrs - 1
Installation issues
#2 opened by jamieRowen - 2
#1 opened by dselivanov