
Submission tidyqpcr - Quantitative PCR analysis in the tidyverse

ewallace opened this issue · 70 comments

Date accepted: 2022-06-10
Submitting Author Name: Edward Wallace
Submitting Author Github Handle: @ewallace
Other Package Authors Github handles: @DimmestP
Version submitted: 0.3.0
Submission type: Standard
Editor: @jooolia
Reviewers: @kelshmo

Due date for @kelshmo: 2021-11-19

Archive: TBD
Version accepted: TBD

  • Paste the full DESCRIPTION file inside a code block below:
Package: tidyqpcr
Type: Package
Title: Quantitative PCR Analysis with the Tidyverse
Version: 0.3
Authors@R: c(person("Edward", "Wallace", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")),
             person("Sam", "Haynes", email = "", role = c("ctb")))
Description: This package is for reproducible quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis using packages from the tidyverse, notably dplyr and ggplot2. It normalizes (by ddCq), summarizes, and plots pre-calculated Cq data, and plots raw amplification and melt curves from Roche LightCycler machines. It does NOT (yet) calculate Cq data from amplification curves.
    R (>= 3.1.0),
Suggests: knitr, 
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: Apache License 2.0 + file LICENSE
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-GB


  • Please indicate which category or categories from our package fit policies this package falls under: (Please check an appropriate box below. If you are unsure, we suggest you make a pre-submission inquiry.):

    • data retrieval
    • data extraction
    • data munging
    • data deposition
    • workflow automation
    • version control
    • citation management and bibliometrics
    • scientific software wrappers
    • field and lab reproducibility tools
    • database software bindings
    • geospatial data
    • text analysis
  • Explain how and why the package falls under these categories (briefly, 1-2 sentences):

tidyqpcr is an R package that empowers scientists to conduct reproducible, flexible, and best-practice compliant quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis.

tidyqpcr offers a standardised user interface and structure for qPCR analysis, within the tidyverse paradigm of spreadsheet-like rectangular data frames and generic functions that build up complex analyses in a series of simple steps.

  • Who is the target audience and what are scientific applications of this package?

Any molecular biologist or bioinformatician who needs to design or analyse a qPCR experiment.

Quantitative PCR is among the most common techniques in biological and biomedical re-
search, used for the quantification of DNA and RNA.

Standardised and open-source qPCR analysis pipelines will encourage best-practices in the reporting of qPCR results, improve the evaluation of qPCR experiments and ultimately lead to increased confidence in conclusions based on qPCR data.

Some open-source libraries for qPCR analysis are available, notably qpcR (Spiess, 2018) and pcr (Ahmed & Kim, 2018). qpcR is a feature rich qPCR analysis package relying on an object-oriented approach using S4 classes. pcr is a less extensive qPCR analysis package based on the tidyverse suite of generic data-science tools using the paradigm of tidy data (spreadsheet-like rectangular data frames). However, available packages either assume extensive prior R knowledge, overlook best-practices in qPCR experiments, or lack extensive documentation. There remains a need for a qPCR analysis package that integrates with the user-friendly tidyverse, encourages the use of MIQE best-practice compliant experimental design, and provides detailed example analysis pipelines as R vignettes.

We presented tidyqpcr on the rOpenSci discussion page which Stefanie Butland and Sean Hughes kindly responded to. In response to @seaaan ’s comments we improved the vignettes, stuck to a consistent function naming convention and added functionality to calculate ddCq. We intend to add further functionality in future versions including: support for absolute quantification, support for multiple targets per well, and enabling the use of the plater package.

In email correspondence with Stefanie, we believe Julia Gustavsen would be a perfect editor for our project as they reviewed Sean’s plater package. As for reviewers, we think someone with experience in conducting assays for RNA/DNA quantification and normalisation would be of benefit because of the emphasis on experimental design best-practices.

Technical checks

Confirm each of the following by checking the box.

This package:

Publication options

  • Do you intend for this package to go on CRAN?

  • Do you intend for this package to go on Bioconductor?

  • Do you wish to submit an Applications Article about your package to Methods in Ecology and Evolution?

  • Do you wish to submit an Applications Article about your package to Journal of Open Source Software?

We have included a file in the repository as per JOSS instructions to authors.

Code of conduct

Thanks for submitting to rOpenSci, our editors and @ropensci-review-bot will reply soon. Type @ropensci-review-bot help for help.


Editor check started


Checks for tidyqpcr (v0.3)

git hash: 4bce0332

  • ✔️ Package name is available
  • ✖️ does not have a 'CITATION' file.
  • ✔️ has a 'codemeta.json' file.
  • ✖️ does not have a 'contributing' file.
  • ✔️ uses 'roxygen2'.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.
  • ✔️ Package has at least one HTML vignette
  • ✖️ These functions do not have examples: [calculate_deltacq_bysampleid.Rd].
  • ✖️ Package has no continuous integration checks.
  • ✔️ Package coverage is 79.7%.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no errors.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no warnings.

Important: All failing checks above must be addressed prior to proceeding

Package License: Apache License 2.0 + file LICENSE

1. Statistical Properties

This package features some noteworthy statistical properties which may need to be clarified by a handling editor prior to progressing.

Details of statistical properties (click to open)

The package has:

  • code in R (100% in 6 files) and
  • 1 authors
  • 4 vignettes
  • no internal data file
  • 7 imported packages
  • 28 exported functions (median 8 lines of code)
  • 28 non-exported functions in R (median 11 lines of code)

Statistical properties of package structure as distributional percentiles in relation to all current CRAN packages
The following terminology is used:

  • loc = "Lines of Code"
  • fn = "function"
  • exp/not_exp = exported / not exported

The final measure (fn_call_network_size) is the total number of calls between functions (in R), or more abstract relationships between code objects in other languages. Values are flagged as "noteworthy" when they lie in the upper or lower 5th percentile.

measure value percentile noteworthy
files_R 6 35.8
files_vignettes 4 94.3
files_tests 5 78.5
loc_R 339 32.0
loc_vignettes 1014 93.7
loc_tests 368 65.9
num_vignettes 4 96.0 TRUE
n_fns_r 56 52.0
n_fns_r_exported 28 74.9
n_fns_r_not_exported 28 40.8
n_fns_per_file_r 5 60.4
num_params_per_fn 3 33.1
loc_per_fn_r 10 40.0
loc_per_fn_r_exp 8 19.7
loc_per_fn_r_not_exp 11 51.8
rel_whitespace_R 10 22.3
rel_whitespace_vignettes 35 97.8 TRUE
rel_whitespace_tests 23 86.5
doclines_per_fn_exp 36 42.9
doclines_per_fn_not_exp 0 0.0 TRUE
fn_call_network_size 10 24.0

1a. Network visualisation

Interactive network visualisation of calls between objects in package can be viewed by clicking here

2. goodpractice and other checks

Details of goodpractice and other checks (click to open)

3b. goodpractice results

R CMD check with rcmdcheck

R CMD check generated the following notes:

  1. checking for hidden files and directories ... NOTE
    Found the following hidden files and directories:
    These were most likely included in error. See section ‘Package
    structure’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
  2. checking installed package size ... NOTE
    installed size is 12.7Mb
    sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    doc 2.8Mb
    extdata 9.7Mb
  3. checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
    License components with restrictions not permitted:
    Apache License 2.0 + file LICENSE

R CMD check generated the following check_fails:

  1. no_description_depends
  2. rcmdcheck_not_permitted_license_restrictions
  3. rcmdcheck_hidden_files_and_directories
  4. rcmdcheck_reasonable_installed_size

Test coverage with covr

Package coverage: 79.72

Cyclocomplexity with cyclocomp

No functions have cyclocomplexity >= 15

Static code analyses with lintr

lintr found the following 85 potential issues:

message number of times
Lines should not be more than 80 characters. 85

Package Versions

package version

Editor-in-Chief Instructions:

Processing may not proceed until the items marked with ✖️ have been resolved.

Assigned! @jooolia is now the editor

Hello @DimmestP, here are the things you can ask me to do:

# List all available commands
@ropensci-review-bot help

# Show our Code of Conduct
@ropensci-review-bot code of conduct

@noamross or @jooolia

Hello!! Thank you for spending your time helping us improve tidyqpcr.

I have added a few commits to the main tidyqpcr repo that I think solve the remaining issues. How can I get the review bot to check again?

What is the process that it uses to check for function examples? I ran covr::package_coverage(type = "examples") locally and got 83.96% coverage. The 'missing' examples are from functions that are variations of other functions (which are documented with examples) and are linked together with a @describeIn tag. See scale_x_log2nice and scale_x_log10nice in the plot_helpers.R file.

Thanks, about to send the query.


Editor check started


Checks for tidyqpcr (v0.3)

git hash: 737cca43

  • ✔️ Package name is available
  • ✔️ has a 'CITATION' file.
  • ✔️ has a 'codemeta.json' file.
  • ✔️ has a 'contributing' file.
  • ✔️ uses 'roxygen2'.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.
  • ✔️ Package has at least one HTML vignette
  • ✔️ All functions have examples.
  • ✔️ Package has continuous integration checks.
  • ✔️ Package coverage is 79.7%.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no errors.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no warnings.

Package License: Apache License 2.0 + file LICENSE

1. Statistical Properties

This package features some noteworthy statistical properties which may need to be clarified by a handling editor prior to progressing.

Details of statistical properties (click to open)

The package has:

  • code in R (100% in 6 files) and
  • 1 authors
  • 4 vignettes
  • no internal data file
  • 7 imported packages
  • 28 exported functions (median 8 lines of code)
  • 28 non-exported functions in R (median 11 lines of code)

Statistical properties of package structure as distributional percentiles in relation to all current CRAN packages
The following terminology is used:

  • loc = "Lines of Code"
  • fn = "function"
  • exp/not_exp = exported / not exported

The final measure (fn_call_network_size) is the total number of calls between functions (in R), or more abstract relationships between code objects in other languages. Values are flagged as "noteworthy" when they lie in the upper or lower 5th percentile.

measure value percentile noteworthy
files_R 6 35.8
files_vignettes 0 0.0 TRUE
files_tests 5 78.5
loc_R 339 32.0
loc_tests 368 65.9
num_vignettes 4 96.0 TRUE
n_fns_r 56 52.0
n_fns_r_exported 28 74.9
n_fns_r_not_exported 28 40.8
n_fns_per_file_r 5 60.4
num_params_per_fn 3 33.1
loc_per_fn_r 10 40.0
loc_per_fn_r_exp 8 19.7
loc_per_fn_r_not_exp 11 51.8
rel_whitespace_R 9 19.3
rel_whitespace_tests 23 86.5
doclines_per_fn_exp 48 60.4
doclines_per_fn_not_exp 0 0.0 TRUE
fn_call_network_size 10 24.0

1a. Network visualisation

Interactive network visualisation of calls between objects in package can be viewed by clicking here

2. goodpractice and other checks

Details of goodpractice and other checks (click to open)

3a. Continuous Integration Badges


GitHub Workflow Results

name conclusion sha date
.github/workflows/draft-pdf.yml success 737cca 2021-10-13
fair-software success 737cca 2021-10-13
R-CMD-check success 737cca 2021-10-13

3b. goodpractice results

R CMD check with rcmdcheck

R CMD check generated the following notes:

  1. checking installed package size ... NOTE
    installed size is 12.7Mb
    sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    doc 2.8Mb
    extdata 9.7Mb
  2. checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE
    License components with restrictions not permitted:
    Apache License 2.0 + file LICENSE
  3. checking package subdirectories ... NOTE
    Found the following CITATION file in a non-standard place:
    Most likely ‘inst/CITATION’ should be used instead.

R CMD check generated the following check_fails:

  1. no_description_depends
  2. rcmdcheck_not_permitted_license_restrictions
  3. rcmdcheck_citation_file_at_standard_place
  4. rcmdcheck_reasonable_installed_size

Test coverage with covr

Package coverage: 79.72

Cyclocomplexity with cyclocomp

No functions have cyclocomplexity >= 15

Static code analyses with lintr

lintr found the following 94 potential issues:

message number of times
Lines should not be more than 80 characters. 94

Package Versions

package version

Editor-in-Chief Instructions:

This package is in top shape and may be passed on to a handling editor

Hi @DimmestP,
I re-ran the checks and all looks good. I will start looking for reviewers.

Regarding the examples, there is no pre-set % that we require (as far as I know and from re-reading the packaging guide), right now it is stated as "Include extensive examples in the documentation", so I will let the reviewers comment on whether they think some functions are missing examples or not.

Thanks! Julia

@jooolia The above check is all ✔️, including

✔️ All functions have examples.

ha you are right @mpadge! thanks for pointing that out.

@kelshmo added to the reviewers list. Review due date is 2021-11-19. Thanks @kelshmo for accepting to review! Please refer to our reviewer guide.

@kelshmo: If you haven't done so, please fill this form for us to update our reviewers records.

@wolski added to the reviewers list. Review due date is 2021-12-10. Thanks @wolski for accepting to review! Please refer to our reviewer guide.

@wolski: If you haven't done so, please fill this form for us to update our reviewers records.

Thanks @wolski for agreeing to review this package.

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide

  • Briefly describe any working relationship you have (had) with the package authors.
  • As the reviewer I confirm that there are no conflicts of interest for me to review this work (if you are unsure whether you are in conflict, please speak to your editor before starting your review).


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

  • A statement of need: clearly stating problems the software is designed to solve and its target audience in README
  • Installation instructions: for the development version of package and any non-standard dependencies in README
  • Vignette(s): demonstrating major functionality that runs successfully locally
  • Function Documentation: for all exported functions
  • Examples: (that run successfully locally) for all exported functions
  • Community guidelines: including contribution guidelines in the README or CONTRIBUTING, and DESCRIPTION with URL, BugReports and Maintainer (which may be autogenerated via Authors@R).


  • Installation: Installation succeeds as documented.
  • Functionality: Any functional claims of the software been confirmed.
  • Performance: Any performance claims of the software been confirmed.
  • Automated tests: Unit tests cover essential functions of the package and a reasonable range of inputs and conditions. All tests pass on the local machine.
  • Packaging guidelines: The package conforms to the rOpenSci packaging guidelines.

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 2

  • Should the author(s) deem it appropriate, I agree to be acknowledged as a package reviewer ("rev" role) in the package DESCRIPTION file.

Review Comments

The name of the package is clear and I appreciate the thorough descriptive content in your README.

Notes on README

  • I suggest defining MIQE
  • There is a broken link to Rtools here
  • It looks like you have a github pages setup. I have seen pages linked to in the "about" repository section. I couldn't find it linked in the README.


"Primers and probes calibration vignette" and "Multifactorial multi-plate qPCR analysis example"

  • Vignette needs ggplot2 loaded to run. For clarity, I might call library(cowplot) in the first code chunk too.
  • /inst will not exist for someone who has installed the package. There are a few references to files in /inst. Instead, you can use system.file() to find this file like you did at the beginning of the vignette: read_lightcycler_1colour_cq( "../inst/extdata/Edward_qPCR_Nrd1_calibration_2019-02-02_Ct.txt" )

No comments on the other vignettes!

Notes on contributing

  • I like the use of "good first issue"!

Notes on function definitions

  • Five functions have the same title "Create a blank plate template as a tibble". I can infer from the function name what is distinct, but it would be helpful to update the titles to be unique. Same for five functions titled "Nice tick labels for logarithmic axes in ggplot2."
  • label_plate_rowcol refers to a vignette but is not explicit which one is relevant.

Notes on examples

  • The example for calculate_efficiency returned the warning Warning message: Unknown or uninitialised column: target_id.
  • I was confused when the documentation for create_blank_plate() populated when I was looking for make_row_names_echo1536(). This is definitely canonical but it could be helpful in the description to add some context (1 or 2 sentences).

Thank you Edward and Sam, nice work and great package! I'm happy to learn about codemeta.json too. I appreciate your patience with my review.

Thanks so much for reviewing our package @kelshmo, I am glad our hard work is paying off. I've had a quick look at your comments and they all seem very relevant (and relatively quick fixes). We will wait for the next review to come back before actioning any of them though.

Dear package developers. I fully agree with the comments made by @kelshmo. However, if they are a relatively quick fix, then please fix them quickly! First, we could avoid redundant comments from my side, and I could more easily focus on different aspects of your package.

For instance, I typically go through vignettes by executing code chunks, and relative paths don't work.

> plate_cq_extdata <- read_lightcycler_1colour_cq(
+   "../inst/extdata/Stuart_dAgr_glyS_spoVG_5S_individualWells_Cq.txt"
+   ) %>%
+   dplyr::filter(! well %in% wells_exclude ) %>% # exclude blank wells
+   dplyr::select(well, sample_info, cq) 
 Error: '../inst/extdata/Stuart_dAgr_glyS_spoVG_5S_individualWells_Cq.txt' does not exist in current working directory ('C:/Users/wolski/prog/tidyqpcr').

BDW., my understanding is that the review process should be interactive. So I will be getting back to you with comments and questions on this issue before submitting the "formal" review.

@wolski thank you! @DimmestP and I will talk, and see if we can get these fixed quickly enough for your review timeline. We welcome your comments and questions.

Logged review for kelshmo (hours: 2)

@kelshmo thank you very much for your review!

@ewallace @DimmestP

I already have a few observations about what you have written about tidyqpcr and other packages in the section:

"Are there other R packages that accomplish the same thing? If so, how does yours differ or meet our criteria for best-in-category?"

You explicitly mention the package qpcR and pcr.

Your write "qPCR analysis package relying on an object-oriented approach using S4 classes."
I am not a big fan of APIs with "@" either. But are you sure you are talking about qpcR? I checked the CRAN page and observed no dependency on the "methods". I downloaded the tar.gz and searched the sources for the "setClass" and "@" string, and there are no hits. "qpcR" is not written in S4.

Furthermore, why do you say that "available packages either assume extensive prior R knowledge"?
Does this indicate a GUI for tidyqpcr; a shiny application? Or can I accomplish the same task with tidyqpcr with fewer lines of code than when using the PCR package? Finally, the vignettes you include are not concise; on the contrary, you heavily use ggplot2 in the vignette, while ggplot2 does not have a flat learning curve.

I do not know if @seaaan means the same as I when he writing "Focus on functions provided by your package and what they do and how to use them" (e.g. in the multifactorial vignette, explain at greater length about normalizeqPCR, debaseline, getRdTall)", but I would say the same.
This comment was made in May 2021 i.e., half a year ago, but I do not see any evidence of how you addressed them in the vignettes of tidyqpcr.

Also, I would like to understand better what do you mean "overlook best-practices in qPCR experiments"? Indeed, you refer to the "MIQE best-practice compliant experimental design". MIQE is a checklist of requirements to publish a qPCR experiment.
There is Table 1 in the publication about MIQE you have referenced. Would you maybe tabulate which MIQE requirements "tidyqpcr" already covers using which functions, which would improve the package documentation? I am aware that this is a lot to ask, but could you please include the CRAN alternatives in this table to give substance to your claim that those alternatives of tidyqpcr overlook best practices. Most likely, you can reuse this table in an upcoming publication of tidyqpcr.

Finally, you say "or lack extensive documentation".
Both of the packages you mention are, in my opinion, well documented, and both are published in peer-reviewed journals:
I am not claiming that this guarantees their utility but documented they are.

Furthermore, a web search for R and qPCR points to several more R packages that you do not mention:

I feel that you did not address the points in sufficiently, and I would welcome a critical comparison.

I will have a closer look at the three first points during the next week, but I have a few observations regarding:
"Actively maintained while alternatives are poorly".

qPCR has a release history of 14 years; it has one reverse depends and two reverse imports, and four reverse suggests. On the other hand, the pcr package has a release history of 4 years and an active github repository.

Am I correct in assuming that tidyqpcr is a Ph.D. project of Samuel?
Samuel is a gifted programmer, and for sure, you can publish this package in one of the many specialized journals. But how sustainable is this project? I am asking because tidyqpcr is by no means feature-complete (as the long list of To-Do's in indicates).
I find it worrying that there has been practically no activity within this project since 2019

Furthermore, since their first release, all three other pinned projects on have not been significantly developed.
Protocols were released in 2016 with about two commits/year since;
stochsimode has seen no commits for six years. RoboViz has not had a single commit for three years.

@kelshmo could you email me your current email address at ? thanks!

Thanks for the questions @wolski. I will let the authors reply. One thing that I want to note is that currently we do not require any discussion of the lifecycle of a package like we do for our statistical software review, but it is under discussion here: ropensci/dev_guide#366

@wolski Thank you for the thorough review.

You've made a lot of good points that our description of other packages was inaccurate, and we will address that at length. I created new issue ticket, we will expand on that at some length and then get back to this thread.

Here I will answer quickly the points that can be answered quickly.

Your write "qPCR analysis package relying on an object-oriented approach using S4 classes."
I am not a big fan of APIs with "@" either. But are you sure you are talking about qpcR? I checked the CRAN page and observed no dependency on the "methods". I downloaded the tar.gz and searched the sources for the "setClass" and "@" string, and there are no hits. "qpcR" is not written in S4.

That's our error that we will correct, qpcR uses S3 classes not S4 classes.

I do not know if @seaaan means the same as I when he writing "Focus on functions provided by your package and what they do and how to use them" (e.g. in the multifactorial vignette, explain at greater length about normalizeqPCR, debaseline, getRdTall)", but I would say the same.
This comment was made in May 2021 i.e., half a year ago, but I do not see any evidence of how you addressed them in the vignettes of tidyqpcr.

That is fair, we have not expanded on these in the vignettes since May. What would "good enough" look like here for you? Are there particular points that need explaining from your perspective?

For context, the vignettes we have focus on the pain points that users reported in interviews; and on complete example data analyses. The big pain points were about laying out samples on plates and describing samples and genes accurately. Since we worked on those vignettes, users have reported it's much easier to use tidyqpcr, so that was a victory. But we have not written vignette-style documentation on the normalisation procedures and ct specifically.

We created a new issue to discuss adding to the vignettes:

Am I correct in assuming that tidyqpcr is a Ph.D. project of Samuel?
Samuel is a gifted programmer, and for sure, you can publish this package in one of the many specialized journals. But how sustainable is this project? I am asking because tidyqpcr is by no means feature-complete (as the long list of To-Do's in indicates).
I find it worrying that there has been practically no activity within this project since 2019

tidyqpcr is a collaboration that I started and that has become part of Sam's PhD. We are planning to continue it after he graduates, and preparing for that by following best practices for software documentation and maintainability. Our next steps are:

  • complete this review (quality)
  • publish in ropensci and JOSS (visibility, helps with future funding)
  • prepare a tutorial workshop including hopefully a video (builds user base)
  • advertise for a project student to add features.

The recent low activity on tidyqpcr is due to Sam focusing on another manuscript with analysis that makes extensive use of tidyqpcr, indeed substantiates the claims that tidyqpcr can take data all the way to publishable figures:

That manuscript is preprinted and will soon be submitted to a journal.

Furthermore, since their first release, all three other pinned projects on have not been significantly developed.
Protocols were released in 2016 with about two commits/year since;
stochsimode has seen no commits for six years. RoboViz has not had a single commit for three years.

You've identified a problem with my pinned projects, not so much with the software dev.

Ironically or otherwise, stochsimcode was my PhD code, which I put on GitHub because I was still getting occasional code requests from students doing masters projects.

riboviz has been under intensive development after moving to its own organisation riboviz/riboviz.

So a question for @wolski: what evidence would convince you of the future of this software? Is it a development plan with timeline? Or something else?

Best in category?

Some thoughts about the "best in category."
Making a judgment about the best in the category would require extensive formal testing of all the relevant packages to avoid biases.
Without it, the judgment would rely on heuristics only and be biased. Still, it is challenging to eliminate biases because of the complexity of package developments.
As soon as I have more time, I will try to discuss, and hopefully, better understand the ropensci review process at

Here is my attempt to formalize the review.

Field and laboratory reproducibility tools

The package tidyqpcr was submitted in the category
field and laboratory reproducibility tools.:

The family of "creation functions" of tidyqpcr falls into
"Automation of field and lab protocols, such as sample tracking and tagging, form and datasheet generation,"
subcategory? My choice for this, however, would be PlateDesigner.
for ease of use.

The functions:
read_lightcycler_1colour_raw, ead_lightcycler_1colour_cq
are in the subcategory:
"interfacing with laboratory equipment or information systems, and executing experimental designs."
The package ReadqPCR has more functionality in this subcategory.

But there is also a group of functions with names starting with scale_ and ending with nice, which relate to data visualization.

Finally, a group of functions starts with caculate_ which is statistics? Again, the CRAN package pcr implements a more comprehensive set and would be my preferred choice.

Package name

A comment regarding the package name tidy. tidy isn't just about using tidy data tables. It is also about grouping functions into tidy packages, one for plotting, a different one for factors, time, etc. tidyqpcr is an analysis script that reads analyses, and visualizes data, converted into a package. It feels pretentious to include the prefix tidy in the name of this package.

Past reviews

I hope there is no requirement to rewrite the suggestion made by @seaaan, more than 6 months ago, in my own words, to include it into this review process.
Except for a few, those comments are still not addressed by the authors of tidyqpcr. I am not saying that you should implement all the recommendations, but I would appreciate it if you could explain why you decided not to.

I am listing them here:

Feature suggestions:

  • Determine Ct by setting a threshold on amp curve data
    • Functions to calculate dCt (I believe normalizeqPCR does this) and ddCt
    • Support for multiple targets per well
    • Functions for common plots (e.g. plot_amp_curve, plot_melt_curve), though I acknowledge that these may be tricky (figuring out what to facet by/color by/etc)
    • Support for absolute quantification via standard curves
  • Vignettes:
    • Focus on functions provided by your package and what they do and how to use them (e.g. in the multifactorial vignette, explain at greater length about normalizeqPCR, debaseline, getRdTall)
    • Explain a bit more about the format the data needs to be in to be read into the package (since qPCR machines produce data in a variety of formats)
    • Try to simplify them a bit, they're a little overwhelming at the moment (for example, in the multifactorial experiment vignette, drop thiolutin [six conditions becomes four] and some of the primer sets, only show one plot of melt curves and one set of amp curves).

My comments


Rmarkdown and vignette title should be the same:
You have:
title: "Primers and probes calibration vignette"
but better
title: "Primers and probes calibration vignette"
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Primers and probes calibration vignette}

The vignettes
"Delta Cq 96-well plate qPCR analysis example" and
"Introduction to designing an experiment and setting up a plate plan in tidyqpcr" is fine, good balance of code and text. However, there are almost no figure captions and text explaining the code in the vignettes:
"Primers and probes calibration vignette," "Multifactorial multi-plate qPCR analysis example."

However, I have the impression that there are many redundancies in the vignettes, e.g., the display_plate function and the experiment setup are repeatedly covered.
Simplifying the examples as @seaaan suggested will also help you meet the 5MB limit required by either CRAN or Bioconductor.

Connecting plate design and data reading.

The package contains many functions to create a plate design. They are then used to fill the plates using a multichannel pipette.
The created annotations (e.g., WT, C+ ) can also be 'fed' into the measuring device. The sample_info column contains the annotation which was generated in the first step. Correct?

##    well  sample_info      cq
##    <chr> <chr>         <dbl>
##  1 A1    WT OD0.5 glyS  14.0
##  2 A2    WT OD0.5 glyS  13.9
##  3 A3    WT OD0.5 glyS  14.0

Why can't you then not reproduce the plate design from the sample_info? Why is this code needed?

plate_cq_data <- 
  create_blank_plate_96well() %>% # row and column labels for each well
  inner_join(plate_cq_extdata) %>% # join that info to loaded data
  # next separate the sample and target information for future data analysis
           into = c("strain","OD","target_id"), 
           sep = " ",
           remove = FALSE) %>%
  unite("sample_id",strain, OD, remove = FALSE) %>% # put sample_id together
  mutate(prep_type = "+RT") # add information on cDNA prep type

I would like to have code like:

plate1 <- read_lightcycler_1colour_cq


It always seems to color the wells according to the target_ID, and there is no option to choose a different column. Could you add an argument allowing to specify that column?


If I am correct, thermocyclers are used to perform qPCR experiments. Aren't the wells in the plates' center exposed to different temperatures than on the edges? If so, how this impacts the quantification results? Does your design function takes this into account, and if not, why? Is there a theoretical option to block for the confounding of plate position?

Visualizing measurement results in the plate layout.

Would you please provide functions to visualize the results in plate layout, e.g., how those quantitation cycle, delta Cq looks on the plate? This would allow visualizing if there is a plate position effect.

Conclusion "Jack of all trades and a master of none."

I can not complete the review. I hypothesize that the reviewed package does duplicate large amounts of the functionality of other CRAN packages, which @ewallace must have known about in 2019, without making significant improvements. However, I do not have the time to prove or disprove it.

One possible direction for this package, would be to integrate several specialized packages, e.g. PlateDesigner, ReadqPCR, CRAN:pcr, using a common data structure (can be a tidy table). This integration would make it easier to perform MIQE compatible analysis. In addition, this package could implement functions to visualize the data easily. A possible implementation would start by annotating the tidy table, i.e., defining which columns contain plate positions, response variables, and explanatory variables. Then, using this information, figures (similar to those in the vignettes) could be created with a function call.

@jooolia, these two are experts in qPCR, which I am not. @seaaan, @MahShaaban

Dear @wolski , thank you for the time that you have spent reviewing and the topics that you have raised for regarding this package and regarding the review process.

I would appreciate it if you could edit your latest comment so that it is more collegial. We are all here to help the authors improve their package by providing constructive comments. The sentences that you wrote in the Conclusion header and directly thereafter are not constructive.

Thank you for the experts in qpcr, however there would be a COI and thus they cannot be reviewers for this submission.

Finally, will you fill out the reviewer template ( or indicate that you are done with this round of your reviewing?

Thanks, Julia

@jooolia Thank you for your feedback, although I would have preferred to receive it by e-mail. But, yes, my comment "a script with a few helpers" without more context is not constructive. I was not referring to the package itself but the code equivalent. I am sorry.

I can not complete the review. I hypothesize that the reviewed package does duplicate large amounts of the functionality of other CRAN packages, which @ewallace must have known about in 2019, without making significant improvements. However, I do not have the time to prove or disprove it.

If open-source software does what I want, I will NOT start writing a new one. To me, there are those reasons to begin to write a new R package:

  • The functionality is not available elsewhere in R in package form.
  • To improve code quality and obtain a more robust and straightforward to maintain software.
  • Provide a substantially more flexible API to enable new analysis or easier integration with other software components.
    I think this is very much in line with:
    "we aim to avoid duplication of functionality of existing R packages in any repo without significant improvements. An R package that replicates the functionality of an existing R package may be considered for inclusion in the rOpenSci suite if it significantly improves on alternatives in any repository (RO, CRAN, BioC) by being:".

Let's assume we were in 2019 when the development of the reviewed package started. The packages qPCR, pcr, plateR or plateDesigner existed and must have been known to @ewallace. Specifically, the tidyqpcr::calculate_ functions are available elsewhere. Furthermore, their code isn't of low quality either, and it is debatable if tidyverse code, used in package implementations is easier to maintain.

Does the reviewed package provide a more flexible API or enable easier software components integration? I hypothesize that it is possible to rewrite the vignettes of the package under review, using other packages available in 2019, and that the code might be even 'tidier' (allowing for a few helper and wrapper functions). That's why I said: "analysis script with a few helper functions," which represents the code equivalent of the reviewed package. Unfortunately, however, I do not have the time to prove or disprove it.

Thank you everyone.

After a call with @jooolia and discussion with @DimmestP, we have made a plan to address these reviews. We’ve raised a series of issue tickets on tidyqpcr repository, linked to this review ticket and also labeled rOpensci-review.

The plan is that in January we will start addressing those issues one by one. As we make progress there, we will request another round of feedback on this thread.

Hi @wolski, thanks for your comment and for being clear that you will not continue to review here. I have removed you as a reviewer in the issue fields and feel free to unsubscribe from the issue if you do not want to continue to receive notifications about new comments.
Thanks, Julia

Thanks @ewallace the plan looks very clear to me regarding what you will tackle. Looking forward to the updates on your progress on the issues in 2022.

Hello @jooolia and @kelshmo!

After a lot of work, @DimmestP and I are resubmitting our improved tidyqpcr package for review. We created a new tag tidyqpcr v0.4, for the latest version.

The issues we addressed are listed in the tidyqpcr repo under the rOpensci-review label.

We did not address new vignette on normalisation functions tidyqpcr#127, because we decided it was not essential and so prioritised other things.

We look forward to your feedback and review.

Note: I contacted Kelsey Montgomery on LinkedIn to review the changes.

Hello @jooolia is there any news about this review process?

Hello @ewallace , I have been in contact with Kelsey who will have a look soon. I am having a look through the responses to the reviews and then will have a through the overall package. Apologies this has been going a bit more slowly than I expected (we rotate EiC duties and I am currently editor in chief at rOpenSci).

Hello @jooolia, do let us know any news on this review, and if there's anything we can do to facilitate it?

Hi @ewallace - I will get this completed today. I apologize for the delay!

@ewallace Great work, thanks for your patience in working with me. Some communication early on fell through the cracks when I switched job roles!

Your addition of documentation and revised function names greatly helps with package clarity. I confirmed your use of file paths relative to the user function well. Your README and github pages look great. approved! Anything else you need from me?

Thank you so much @kelshmo! I think the next steps are up to @jooolia.

Thanks @kelshmo. Yes @ewallace I will move forward with this this week and will do a review. Thank you for your continued patience.

Dear @ewallace,
Thank you for your patience with my review.

This is part 1/2 of my review and will concern mostly aspects related to packaging. Part 2/2 will look more into the functions and the code (and more at the tests).

Check package integrity

run checks on tidyqpcr source:


This is mostly ok, but there are several files that should be added to your .Rbuildignore. ( ^codemeta.json$, ^CITATION.cff$, ^bibtex.bib$, ^$) so that you do not get notes when running the checks.

In your DESCRIPTION, the Apache license is one accepted by CRAN and rOpenSci, but it should written "Apache License (>= 2)" instead, you can use usethis::use_apache_license() to add the appropriate text to your DESCRIPTION and the file to your directory (and this will add to .Rbuildignore). (Funnily enough it seems that Apache License (>=2) + file LICENSE is not ok, but MIT + file LICENSE doesn't raise any issues with check()).

run tests on tidyqpcr source:


Running tests using devtools::test() several tests fail (test-amp_melt_curve_functions.R:5:1,test-calculate_deltacq.R:5:1, test-plate_functions.R:6:1) because the needed packages are not loaded and not specified using ::, for example mutate and pull do not have references to dplyr.

Check package metadata files


The Readme is very comprehensive and provides a lot of information. For impatient people like me would you consider moving the Getting Started section closer to the top?

There is no code in the Readme so I think it is ok to have it as a .md.


I see that on Github the version is 0.4 but in the description it is 0.3. Should this be updated? If you had different versions I would highly recommend a file to briefly describe the updates in the version (not requesting that you do this retrospectively, but would help with these changes).

Would consider moving tibble and tidyr to "imports" instead of "depends"? Or is there a specific reason for this?

Check documentation

test tidyqpcr function help files:

No top-level help-file exists. Please add one, more info here:

Review test suite:

test coverage

Currently no tests for two functions in read_qpcr_data.R and I think these are important functions for the package that need to be tested.

As I mentioned above this is a first part of the review. I will be away for Easter break, but will start working on part 2 upon my return.

Thanks, Julia

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide

  • Briefly describe any working relationship you have (had) with the package authors.

    • Very patient and very open to useful suggestions from reviewers.
  • As the reviewer I confirm that there are no conflicts of interest for me to review this work (if you are unsure whether you are in conflict, please speak to your editor before starting your review).

    • A note:I am the editor for this package, but have also provided a review as one of the reviewers declined to continue with the process.


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

  • A statement of need: clearly stating problems the software is designed to solve and its target audience in README
  • Installation instructions: for the development version of package and any non-standard dependencies in README
  • Vignette(s): demonstrating major functionality that runs successfully locally
  • Function Documentation: for all exported functions
  • Examples: (that run successfully locally) for all exported functions
  • Community guidelines: including contribution guidelines in the README or CONTRIBUTING, and DESCRIPTION with URL, BugReports and Maintainer (which may be autogenerated via Authors@R).


  • Installation: Installation succeeds as documented.
  • Functionality: Any functional claims of the software been confirmed.
  • Performance: Any performance claims of the software been confirmed.
  • Automated tests: Unit tests cover essential functions of the package and a reasonable range of inputs and conditions. All tests pass on the local machine.
    - Tests are present, but are failing so it is currently difficult to assess the full extent of how well the tests are covering the package.
  • Packaging guidelines: The package conforms to the rOpenSci packaging guidelines.

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 12

  • Should the author(s) deem it appropriate, I agree to be acknowledged as a package reviewer (“rev” role) in the package DESCRIPTION file.

Review Comments

Description :

  • does {lifecycle} need to be in imports? It comes up as an R CMD check NOTE that it is not used.
  • Do tidyr and tiblble need to be in “Depends”, could they instead be in the “Imports”?

Spell check

Selected results found using devtools::spell_check()

  • designe - designed
  • behavior calibration_vignette.Rmd:171 - elsewhere as UK spelling
  • paramters platesetup_vignette.Rmd:306 - parameters
  • pcr - PCR could be consistently capitalised here.
  • targetss calculate_deltacq_bysampleid.Rd:17 - targets

Comments on specific functions

  • calculate_dydx_1() - why _1 ?

  • label_plate_rowcol() - I can’t find an example that works without coercefactors=TRUE, so is it necessary as an argument? I found it a bit confusing since in the plate creation you are making the plate row and columns as factors. I also found the warning about the transformation to factors confusing as I thought that I had done something wrong when constructing the plate.

  • display_plate(create_blank_plate_1536well()) does not work which I can understand. Is there anything planned or could it just be done by colour after a certain size to show a bit the planning of a plate? Not sure this is useful.

  • In the examples in display_plate and display_well_value there are calls to “library(dplyr)”, I think this would be better as dplyr::.

  • What about the functions in plot_helpers? Where should they be used? It is not clear to me how they integrate in the package even though I could imagine they would be useful for some of the plots one may want to produce with these data. The code formatting and styling could be improved in this file (plot_helpers.R).

  • Overall the naming of functions was very consistent and made it easy to understand the functions.

  • Would it be possible to add very brief and basic usage to the Readme? I think that the vignette "Delta Cq 96-well plate qPCR analysis example" is a nice example of a workflow that anyone with qPCR data could use so maybe something basic could be adapted from this vignette?

  • The Pkgdown website is not up to date, but that should be taken care of once the package is accepted by rOpenSci.

Overall comments

  • Nice use of @family for the plate functions.

  • Is there a reason that the data sets have been kept in inst/extdata and not as datasets in data/ ? Just curious. One reason I could see is that you want to keep the original file formats as examples for the users. However the disadvantage is that the loading is slightly less easy for users (but perhaps this is negligible) and the datasets are not documented in an R/data.R file. This is not a request, but just a question for you. :)

  • I also found the length of the functions to be very manageable and I think this sets the package up nicely for new additions and any desired improvements in the future.

Thanks for your patience with this process. I think the easiest is that once the addressable comments are completed that you could add a comment to this issue with the different commits used to reply to the different issues (for example something like this).

Thanks, Julia

Thank you @jooolia! We will work on these in some issue tickets and get back to you as soon as we can.

@kelshmo, may we also acknowledge you as a package reviewer in the DESCRIPTION file?

@ewallace absolutely, thank you!

Dear @jooolia,

We have finished updating tidyqpcr in response to your comments:

We created a new tag tidyqpcr v0.5, for the latest version.

We hope that we have fully addressed all your points, and look forward to your feedback.

Sam and Edward

Dear @ewallace,
Thanks for all your work and comments. I am having a look, but have been slowed down by devtools::check() exiting with status 1 (no problems with R CMD check after R CMD build). I think it is something on my end, but I would like to understand what is happening. I will get back to you again on Friday. thanks, Julia

Hi @ewallace ,

Thanks for all the work and for the comment pointing us to your updates. I haven't figured out what was causing me to have a exit status 1 with running "check" from the build window. I will ask about this on the rOpenSci slack. R CMD check and devtools::check() from the console are fine.

Regarding the package I have a few more little comments:

What is the story on the plot_helpers functions? Will these be further developed or incorporated in the future?


Not urgent, but can be fixed if desired.

In platesetup_vignette.Rmd

In the


  • In test-calculate_efficiency.R, I think that wrapping the function call on line 29 in suppressWarnings() would help with the interpretation of the tests here. Otherwise you get two warnings, but the warnings are not related to the test results and this could be confusing to the tester.

  • label_plate_rowcol() - is not actually tested with a plate with well_col or well_row that are not factors. Do you think it would be important to test this? (This is not facetious or sarcastic comment, just genuinely thinking about it)


dplyr joins:

In most uses of the "joins" in dplyr the "by" is specified according to good practice, however there are a few cases where they are not:

  • debaseline() line 47 in amp_melt_curve_functions.R
  • less urgent, but if there is time it would be good to fix this in the vignettes where the "by" is generally not specified.


  • (optional) The label_plate_rowcol() test has cases that don't throw warnings, maybe at some point it could be helpful to add to the examples because to clarify how users could construct their plates.

Hi @jooolia,

Thank you for this thorough check, it has helped a lot and given us more opportunity for improvements. @DimmestP and I have addressed these:

We hope that's everything for the review process? Let us know.

Also we are open to suggestions as to whether it is better to share via CRAN or via Bioconductor. I really don't know.

@ropensci-review-bot submit review #470 (comment) time 12

Dear @ewallace and @DimmestP,
Thanks for all your hard work. 👍 This looks good to me. Since @kelshmo has already approved I will approve this and we can move forward with the next steps.

Regarding CRAN vs. Bioconductor, my personal opinion is that it depends on your targeted users, dependencies and perhaps future plans for the package. Many rOpenSci packages are on CRAN. Right now I am aware (thanks to @maelle 's help) of two rOpenSci pacakges that are on Bioconductor: and . Both CRAN and Bioconductor have their own "gotchas" as detailed in dev guide sections 1.16 and 1.17

@ropensci-review-bot approve tidyqpcr

Approved! Thanks @ewallace for submitting and @kelshmo for your reviews! 😁


  • Transfer the repo to rOpenSci's "ropensci" GitHub organization under "Settings" in your repo. I have invited you to a team that should allow you to do so. You will need to enable two-factor authentication for your GitHub account.
    This invitation will expire after one week. If it happens write a comment @ropensci-review-bot invite me to ropensci/<package-name> which will re-send an invitation.
  • After transfer write a comment @ropensci-review-bot finalize transfer of <package-name> where <package-name> is the repo/package name. This will give you admin access back.
  • Fix all links to the GitHub repo to point to the repo under the ropensci organization.
  • Delete your current code of conduct file if you had one since rOpenSci's default one will apply, see
  • If you already had a pkgdown website and are ok relying only on rOpenSci central docs building and branding,
    • deactivate the automatic deployment you might have set up
    • remove styling tweaks from your pkgdown config but keep that config file
    • replace the whole current pkgdown website with a redirecting page
    • replace your package docs URL with
    • In addition, in your DESCRIPTION file, include the docs link in the URL field alongside the link to the GitHub repository, e.g.: URL:,
  • Fix any links in badges for CI and coverage to point to the new repository URL.
  • Increment the package version to reflect the changes you made during review. In, add a heading for the new version and one bullet for each user-facing change, and each developer-facing change that you think is relevant.
  • We're starting to roll out software metadata files to all rOpenSci packages via the Codemeta initiative, see for how to include it in your package, after installing the package - should be easy as running codemetar::write_codemeta() in the root of your package.
  • You can add this installation method to your package README install.packages("<package-name>", repos = "") thanks to R-universe.

Should you want to acknowledge your reviewers in your package DESCRIPTION, you can do so by making them "rev"-type contributors in the Authors@R field (with their consent).

Welcome aboard! We'd love to host a post about your package - either a short introduction to it with an example for a technical audience or a longer post with some narrative about its development or something you learned, and an example of its use for a broader readership. If you are interested, consult the blog guide, and tag @ropensci/blog-editors in your reply. She will get in touch about timing and can answer any questions.

We maintain an online book with our best practice and tips, this chapter starts the 3d section that's about guidance for after onboarding (with advice on releases, package marketing, GitHub grooming); the guide also feature CRAN gotchas. Please tell us what could be improved.

Last but not least, you can volunteer as a reviewer via filling a short form.

@ropensci-review-bot finalize transfer of tidyqpcr

Transfer completed.
The tidyqpcr team is now owner of the repository and the author has been invited to the team

Thank you @jooolia.

  • Transfer the repo to rOpenSci's "ropensci" GitHub organization under "Settings" in your repo.
  • After transfer write a comment @ropensci-review-bot finalize transfer of where is the repo/package name. This will give you admin access back.
  • Fix all links to the GitHub repo to point to the repo under the ropensci organization.
  • Delete your current code of conduct file if you had one - NA.
  • If you already had a pkgdown website and are ok relying only on rOpenSci central docs building and branding,
  • Fix any links in badges for CI and coverage to point to the new repository URL.
  • Increment the package version to reflect the changes you made during review. In, add a heading for the new version and one bullet for each user-facing change, and each developer-facing change that you think is relevant.
  • We're starting to roll out software metadata files to all rOpenSci packages via the Codemeta initiative, see for how to include it in your package, after installing the package - should be easy as running codemetar::write_codemeta() in the root of your package.
  • You can add this installation method to your package README install.packages("", repos = "") thanks to R-universe. DID NOT DO this because I tried to install another ropensci package and dependencies didn't work. I don't know if it would work for ropensci.
  • Submit to JOSS, tidyqpcr review page at JOSS
  • Fix CRAN gotchas

These are all addressed in a branch pending review...

@ropensci-review-bot give codecov access to ropensci/tidy

I'm sorry human, I don't understand that. You can see what commands I support by typing:

@ropensci-review-bot help

@ewallace We're just tring to find out why help isn't working there. Regardless, codecov access should be automatic with your first push to the repo in the ropensci org. I checked there and it's all set up properly. We'll fix the help issue in the meantime. Thanks.

Thank you @mpadge!

I was sufficiently confused to put a discussion point on adding codecov access to the dev guide and/or making it easier to know who to ask for help

(apologies, I deleted the failed
@ropensci-review-bot help
after deciding it wasn't working)

Hello @maelle, here are the things you can ask me to do:

# Add a review's info to the ROpenSci logs
@ropensci-review-bot submit review <REVIEW_URL> time <REVIEW_HOURS(ex. 10.5)>

# List all available commands
@ropensci-review-bot help

# Show our Code of Conduct
@ropensci-review-bot code of conduct

# Switch to "seeking reviewers"
@ropensci-review-bot seeking reviewers

# Approves a package. This command will close the issue.
@ropensci-review-bot approve package-name

# Adds package's repo to the rOpenSci team. This command should be issued after approval and transfer of the package.
@ropensci-review-bot finalize transfer of package-name

# Mint package as [bronze/silver/gold]
@ropensci-review-bot mint silver

# Add a user to this issue's reviewers list
@ropensci-review-bot assign xxxxx as reviewer

# Remove a user from the reviewers list
@ropensci-review-bot remove xxxxx from reviewers

# Assign a user as the editor of this submission
@ropensci-review-bot assign @username as editor

# Put the submission on hold for the next 90 days
@ropensci-review-bot put on hold

# Remove the editor assigned to this submission
@ropensci-review-bot remove editor

# Change or add a review's due date for a reviewer
@ropensci-review-bot set due date for @reviewer to YYYY-MM-DD

# Close the issue
@ropensci-review-bot out of scope

# Various package checks
@ropensci-review-bot check package