- 57
- 42
fireexposuR: Compute and Visualize Wildfire Exposure
#659 opened by heyairf - 9
read.abares - Provides simple downloading, parsing and importing of Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) data sources
#667 opened by adamhsparks - 8
mapindia: Plot Map of the Indian Subcontinent
#670 opened by shubhamdutta26 - 4
Submission of 'mapindia' package
#668 opened by shubhamdutta26 - 4
Submission of 'mapindia' package
#669 opened by shubhamdutta26 - 55
QuadratiK: A Collection of Methods Using Kernel-Based Quadratic Distances for Statistical Inference and Clustering
#632 opened by giovsaraceno - 12
onmaRg package for the Ontario Marginalization Index
#664 opened by WiIIson - 5
- 5
Pre-Submission Enquiry: butterfly
#665 opened by thomaszwagerman - 9
ILSM: Analyze Interconnection Structure of Multilayer Interaction Networks
#661 opened by WeichengSun - 8
SPARQLChunks : query SPARQL endpoints and run SPARQL chunks in R-markdown files.
#656 opened by aourednik - 19
rredlist: 'IUCN' Red List Client
#663 opened by willgearty - 14
mbquartR: Finding Manitoba Quarter Sections
#658 opened by alex-koiter - 60
#645 opened by pachadotdev - 15
Is my TidyDensity package a good fit here?
#657 opened by spsanderson - 10
forcis: An R client to access the FORCIS database
#660 opened by ahasverus - 87
`chopin`: Computation for Climate and Health research On Parallelized INfrastructure
#638 opened by sigmafelix - 86
rix: Reproducible Environments with Nix
#625 opened by b-rodrigues - 41
- 65
eDNAjoint: R package for interpreting paired environmental DNA and traditional surveys
#642 opened by abigailkeller - 61
- 35
ILSM: Analyze Interconnection Structure of Multilayer Interaction Networks
#654 opened by WeichengSun - 5
forcis: An R client to access the FORCIS database
#655 opened by ahasverus - 42
- 6
pre-submission inquiry: fireexposuR
#652 opened by heyairf - 55
Aprendiendo programación en R con la robot Karel
#620 opened by mpru - 3
Presubmission inquiry: rJavaEnv
#648 opened by e-kotov - 1
Presubmission inquiry: mbquartR
#649 opened by alex-koiter - 12
- 89
- 6
Presubmission Inquiry of the `cryptoQuotes`-package
#644 opened by serkor1 - 2
- 0
- 13
- 50
#627 opened by RonaldVisser - 67
fellingdateR: Estimate, report and combine felling dates of historical tree-ring series
#618 opened by hanecakr - 3
- 3
## Reply to package review by @njtierney
#634 opened by hanecakr - 9
#629 opened by pachadotdev - 3
Presubmission enquiry for cocoon: Extract, Format, and Print Statistical Output
#631 opened by JeffreyRStevens - 16
eDNAjoint: an R package for interpreting paired environmental DNA and traditional surveys
#628 opened by abigailkeller - 67
'nuts': Convert European Regional Data
#623 opened by AAoritz - 99
quadkeyr: Tools for converting QuadKeys (Microsoft's Bing Maps Tile System) into raster images
#619 opened by flor14 - 2
Presubmission inquiry: `chopin`
#630 opened by sigmafelix - 4
rix: Reproducible Environments with Nix
#624 opened by b-rodrigues - 10
funbiogeo: a data processing and visualization package for functional biogeography
#622 opened by Rekyt - 3
tidyplate: transform microtiter plate data from xlsx and csv files into tidy dataframes
#621 opened by shubhamdutta26 - 4
- 5
ClusterApp: A Shiny Application in R
#617 opened by JohannaMz