

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

<title>dzlad - README</title> Dzlad functions as a command line interface to the [AUR][1]. It is written in Ruby. [1]: http://aur.archlinux.org "ArchLinux User Repository"


  • ruby (1.9)
  • pacman (for -u)
  • tar (for -d)


Download build scripts (PKGBUILD, INSTALL, etc.)

$ dzlad ffcast
:: AUR package ffcast saved in /tmp/aur/
$ cd ffcast
$ makepkg -csir
... ...

Search for packages with a keyword

$ dzlad -s firefox%pgo
aur/firefox-pgo 3.6-1 |194|
    Mozilla Firefox customizable web browser (XULRunner independent, PGO optimized, 64-bit TraceMonkey)
aur/firefox-pgo-beta 3.6-1 |142|
    Mozilla Firefox customizable web browser (XULRunner independent, PGO optimized, 64-bit TraceMonkey, beta)
aur/firefox-pgo-minefield 100207-1 |9|
    Mozilla Firefox customizable web browser (XULRunner independent, PGO optimized, 64-bit TraceMonkey, dev tree)
aur/firefox-pgo-minefield-smp 100204-1 |14|
    Mozilla Firefox customizable web browser (XULRunner independent, PGO optimized, 64-bit TraceMonkey, dev tree, multithreaded)

Note the red color of the version number indicates the package has been flagged out of date. Also note that the AUR currently supports only two simple "regexp", i.e. % for any string and _ for one arbitrary character.

Check for available upgrades for installed AUR packages

$ dzlad -u
firefox-pgo.......................3.6.2-1 >> 3.6-1
mypaint-git.......................20100307-1 >> 20100208-2
vim-snipmate......................0.83-1 -> 0.83-5
:: Upgradable AUR Packages:

Upload .src.tar.gz to AUR

$ makepkg --source
... ...
$ dzlad -p msort-8.53-1.src.tar.gz@system:"New Release." --vote -u userfoo:passbar
:: Uploaded msort-8.53-1.src.tar.gz [33319]
:: Your votes have been cast for the selected packages.

Vote, flag, notify, adopt, disown, delete, unvote, unflag, unnotify

$ dzlad -a delete -u userfoo:passbar -c -- yajl-ruby
:: None of the selected packages could be deleted.

Oops, `delete' is TU/dev only ^

Also try...

$ dzlad -i dzlad
$ dzlad -m lolilolicon
$ dzlad --examples

Use the dzlad ruby module in irb

irb(main):001:0> require 'dzlad/aur'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> aur = Dzlad::AUR.new
=> #<Dzlad::AUR user= login=false>
irb(main):003:0> aur.login('userfoo', 'passbar')
=> "AURSID=N9N6576O77P75NPQRPS9899768Q58O79; path=/"
irb(main):004:0> aur.addComment('33877', "Please note the dzlad-git package has been removed.\n--This is a test.")
=> #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>

