
One Health Summer Institute's Introduction to Bioinformatics workshop. Session on Bioinformatics for AMR Research.

Bioinformatics for AMR Research

A workshop for the One Health Summer Institute's Introduction to Bioinformatics sessions

Goals of the workshop

  • Overview of methods for bacterial genomics and molecular epidemiology
  • Introduction to databases and tools for the analysis of antimicrobial resistance genes

Workshop program (2021-06-16)

  • Introduction and overview of bioinformatics for AMR: methods and databases
  • Hands-on activity with the Comprehensive Antimicrobial Resistance Database (CARD): using RGI to analyze genomes and plasmids
  • Hands-on work with Galaxy: de novo ssembly of a MRSA genome and analysis of antimicrobial resistance genes


Workshop slides and hands-on activities

Other slides



Bacterial genomics (single species)

Metagenomics (resistome)



Virus resources