Weblib JS Assessment

example workflow


With Docker

> docker-compose up -d app

Warning: if you already a postgres instance running, either stop it or change the output port of the db container in docker-compose.yml



  • PostgreSQL service running with 3 databases created: 'weblib_development', 'weblib_test', 'weblib_production'
  • Env variables for the postgres connection: WEBLIB_DB_HOST, WEBLIB_DB_USER, WEBLIB_DB_PW
> npm install
> npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
> npm test
> npm run start



The api is located at http://localhost:1337.

A postman collection is available here to test all the routes.


  • A user can be a manager or a player
  • To be a manager, the user has to create a team
  • To be a player, the user has to be recruited in a team
  • A manager cannot play in a team, a player cannot create teams
  • A manager can make a transfer offer for a player to join one of his team
  • For the transfer to be successful, both the manager of the current player team and the player himself have to accept the offer