

Primary LanguageHaml

RoQua Frontpage

Marketing website for RoQua


  1. Checkout the latest master and make sure you have the gems installed and website builds properly (You might run brew install node if nanoc complains about missing JavaScript Runtime).

    git pull origin master
    bundle install
    bundle exec nanoc compile
  2. Start the new branch

    git checkout -b new-job-opening
  3. Work on your branch. Make sure it builds properly. Tip: You can use guard to do compiling for you.

    bundle exec nanoc -W
  4. Ensure it looks good

    bundle exec nanoc view
    open http://localhost:3000
  5. Push your branch when done.

    git push -u origin new-job-opening
  6. Create a new Pull Request.

  7. Wait until Circle CI is done building.

  8. Merge when your changes look good to your team.


Gitlab CI automatically deploys from the primary branch.