
The bot filesystem

Primary LanguageC#


A general purpose database wrapper with multiple database providers.

Status of the NuGet Packages :

BotFS : BotFS

BotFS.MongoDB : BotFS.MongoDB

How to use BotFS

Install the Nuget Packages with: nuget install BotFS.Provider

Eg. Connecting to a MongoDB database

using BotFS.MongoDB;
class Program
  Mongo m = new Mongo("localhost","MongoDB Server");

Eg. Inserting/Finding/Deleting/Updating

MongoDatabase local = m.GetDatabase("local");
MongoTable<POCO> table = local.GetTable<POCO>("table");
table.Add(new POCO {Id=1, Value="test"});
var query = table.Find(x => x.Value == test).Value;
var newPOCO = new POCO {Id = query.Id, Value = "Update"};
table.Update(x => x.Id == query.Id, newPOCO);
table.Delete(x => x.Id == query.Id);

And thats it! BotFS will handle connection, insertions, updates, deletions and errors.

Available Providers

  • MongoDB