
Provides an interface to convert PDF's pages to png files in Node.js by using ImageMagick

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Provides an interface to convert PDF's pages to png files in Node.js by using ImageMagick.


npm install pdf-image

Ensure you have convert, gs, and pdfinfo (part of poppler) commands.


sudo apt-get install imagemagick ghostscript poppler-utils

OSX (Yosemite)

brew install imagemagick ghostscript poppler


var PDFImage = require("pdf-image").PDFImage;

var pdfImage = new PDFImage("/tmp/slide.pdf");
pdfImage.convertPage(0).then(function (imagePath) {
  // 0-th page (first page) of the slide.pdf is available as slide-0.png
  fs.existsSync("/tmp/slide-0.png") // => true

Note: If you do NOT want page numbers in your image file names, use option "omitPageNumOnFileName"

pdfImage.convertPage(0, {omitPageNumOnFileName:true}).then()


Following example shows an example of pdf-image in Express, which gives URLs for each pages of a PDF like http://example.com:3000/tmp/slide.pdf/0.png.

  app.get(/(.*\.pdf)\/([0-9]+).png$/i, function (req, res) {
    var pdfPath = req.params[0];
    var pageNumber = req.params[1];

    var PDFImage = require("pdf-image").PDFImage;
    var pdfImage = new PDFImage(pdfPath);

    pdfImage.convertPage(pageNumber).then(function (imagePath) {
    }, function (err) {
      res.send(err, 500);