
Gem for working with EfoNelfo format

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Gem for parsing and writing EfoNelfo documents.

Supported EfoNelfo versions:

  • 4.0

Supported formats:

  • Bestilling (BH, BL, BT)
  • Vareformat (VH, VL, VX, VA)
  • Rabatt (RH, RL)
  • Ordrebekreftelse (CH, CL, CT)


Importing a CSV file:

# EfoNelfo.load "B12345678.332.csv"          # => EfoNelfo::V40::VH

Parsing CSV:

# EfoNelfo.parse "VH;EFONELFO;4.0;foo;bar"   # => EfoNelfo::V40::VH

Exporting CSV:

# order = EfoNelfo::V40::VH.new
# order.add EfoNelfo::V40::VL.new name: 'Something', price: 10
# order.to_csv
# => "VH;EFONELFO;4.0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\r\nVL;;;Something;;;;;10;;;;;;;;;;;\r\n"


  • Export to json
  • Support more filetypes
  • Support more versions
  • Support XML



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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request