
A spring boot app showcasing hateoas with pagination functionality

Primary LanguageJava


The objective of the application is to have a progressive approach of understanding how one can implement pagination with hateoas in a spring boot application.

Application Description


This is a spring boot application showcasing different ways of fetching data from the database. This application exposes endpoints which returns the same data in the multiple forms below as we start from a basic List and move towards pagination with hateoas. Below are the step by step end-points at a high level

  1. As a List
  2. As a filtered List
  3. As a filtered and sorted List
  4. Filtered and sorted but in page format(without hateoas and links to other pages)
  5. Filtered and sorted, in page format with links to other pages as well

Use Case

If you have worked on smaller applications, you have probably only returned a list of objects in your Apis. This is a perfectly fine approach for much smaller applications with less amount of data and/or requests. Either as the number of requests grow or as data grows, we need to provide better ways of sending data to our clients. This keeps data transmission to a minimum of only what the client needs. For example: If there is a table with 1 million rows in our Database, and our client is a website, it is probably not a good solution to have the http response to our client to contain 1 million rows. Instead, our goal in this app is to give the client parts of the data and provide links to access the other data if required. This is where hateoas comes into picture. In the HTTP Response, it provides links to the first, current, next and last pages of data.

Application Setup

Java Files


This is the Customer Entity class. Each Customer has an id(sequence generated), customer Id(uuid), first name and last name.

Customer Controller

The Controller holds the end points defined. There are 5 endpoints with different functionalities defined later in the document

Customer Service

Service holds the business logic and calls the required repository methods to fetch data from the DB


Repository class for the customer entity

CustomerModel and CustomerModelAssembler

2 Classes required for implementing pagination with hateoas

Database Setup

Database and Connectivity

For this application we are using an in memory H2 Database. As this is a H2 DB no external installation needs to be done on the system running the application. Once the application is running, it can be accessed using the web browser: http://localhost:8080/h2-console Username: sa Enter the above username, without any password and click connect.

Raw Data Setup

Using spring boot behaviour, there are 2 files in the resources folder These 2 files will get auto executed each time the application starts up and needs no modification

  1. schema.sql - this creates the required DB in our in memory H2 DB each time we launch our application. For this application, we are creating one table customer with 4 columns.
  2. data.sql - this contains the script to be run on our DB For this application, we are inserting 1000 rows of data into the customers table created in step 1.

Application Execution

Running the application

To run the application you need java 11 and maven installed. Navigate to the root folder of the application and run

mvn spring-boot:run

Or you can use an IDE that support java applications such as IntelliJ and run the application on the IDE

Testing the application

To test the application, below are the endpoints that can be executed once the application is running. You can directly try the Url on your web browser or use tools such as postman.

Endpoint 1 : As a List

Request Type: GET Request Url: http://localhost:8080/api/v0/customers Description: This url returns ALL the customers as a List. Response Format:

   "id": 1,
   "customerId": "6252fcab-a17e-4af4-aa70-0fda826e67cf",
   "firstName": "Dorine",
   "lastName": "McGrouther"

Endpoint 2: As a filtered List

Request Type: GET Request Url: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/customers?firstNameFilter=R&lastNameFilter=A Description: This url returns ALL the customers as a List after applying filter conditions to first name and last name. Response Format:

   "id": 161,
   "customerId": "b1c494ce-775c-4e4f-a8eb-fa85a912ea8e",
   "firstName": "Ripley",
   "lastName": "Anten"

Alternative Test Urls: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/customers?firstNameFilter=Roscoe http://localhost:8080/api/v1/customers?lastNameFilter=Ab

Endpoint 3: Filtered in page format(without hateoas and links to other pages)

Request Type: GET Request Url: http://localhost:8080/api/v2/customers?firstNameFilter=A&lastNameFilter=S&page=0&size=30 Description: This url returns the customers of the specified page with the specified size, after applying filter conditions to first name and last name. Response Format:

      "id": 65,
      "customerId": "6021c230-9072-4e26-865f-9ff2372be87b",
      "firstName": "Arni",
      "lastName": "Van Der Straaten"},
      "id": 885,
      "customerId": "0806ad06-3849-4615-8904-f2c5c4174d50",
      "firstName": "Arlena",
      "lastName": "Sherbrook"},
      "id": 976,
      "customerId": "5fbe2019-9d53-4578-9b41-ef0bca6125ca",
      "firstName": "Archibold",
      "lastName": "Smeeton"}
   "pageable": {
      "sort": {
      "empty": true,
      "unsorted": true,
      "sorted": false
      "offset": 0,
      "pageNumber": 0,
      "pageSize": 30,
      "paged": true,
      "unpaged": false
   "last": true,
   "totalPages": 1,
   "totalElements": 3,
   "size": 30,
   "number": 0,
   "sort": {
      "empty": true,
      "unsorted": true,
      "sorted": false
   "first": true,
   "numberOfElements": 3,
   "empty": false

Alternative Test Urls: http://localhost:8080/api/v2/customers http://localhost:8080/api/v2/customers?page=4&size=60 http://localhost:8080/api/v2/customers?firstNameFilter=A&lastNameFilter=Sa

Endpoint 4: Filtered and sorted but in page format(without hateoas and links to other pages)

Request Type: GET Request Url: http://localhost:8080/api/v3/customers?firstNameFilter=R&lastNameFilter=S&page=0&size=10&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC Description: This url returns the customers of the specified page with the specified size, after applying filter conditions to first name and last name and sorting the data. Response Format:

   "content": [
      {"id": 342,
      "customerId": "db40ac17-ec53-4c7e-9af3-a227d8b4f5bb",
      "firstName": "Raimondo",
      "lastName": "Safont"},
      {"id": 794,
      "customerId": "f3e9c6b1-7619-4781-afad-2a1e02690e1d",
      "firstName": "Ricky",
      "lastName": "Stockwell"},
      {"id": 966,
      "customerId": "9e4ade7d-3a2b-4ba0-be20-e5a856a0af3b",
      "firstName": "Rosabel",
      "lastName": "Scholefield"}
   "pageable": {
      "sort": {
      "empty": false,
      "unsorted": false,
      "sorted": true
      "offset": 0,
      "pageNumber": 0,
      "pageSize": 10,
      "paged": true,
      "unpaged": false
   "last": true,
   "totalPages": 1,
   "totalElements": 4,
   "size": 10,
   "number": 0,
   "sort": {
      "empty": false,
      "unsorted": false,
      "sorted": true
   "first": true,
   "numberOfElements": 4,
   "empty": false

Alternative Test Urls: http://localhost:8080/api/v3/customers?sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC http://localhost:8080/api/v3/customers?sortList=firstName&sortOrder=DESC http://localhost:8080/api/v3/customers?sortList=firstName,lastName&sortOrder=DESC http://localhost:8080/api/v3/customers?firstNameFilter=R&page=0&size=10&sortList=firstName

Endpoint 5: Filtered and sorted, in page format with links to other pages as well

Request Type: GET Request Url: http://localhost:8080/api/v4/customers?firstNameFilter=R&lastNameFilter=S&page=0&size=10&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC Description: This url returns the customers of the specified page with the specified size, after applying filter conditions to first name and last name and sorting the data. The response is of the pagination format supported by hateoas and also contains links to other pages such as next page and last page Response Format:

   "_embedded": {
      "customerModelList": [
         "id": 971,
         "customerId": "de6b8664-ba90-41fc-a9f4-da7d0b89c106",
         "firstName": "Rabi",
         "lastName": "Dufour"
         "id": 339,
         "customerId": "44b5c01d-c379-4f66-b8ed-0fda4837db4e",
         "firstName": "Rachelle",
         "lastName": "Fleischer"
         "id": 838,
         "customerId": "443b06fd-7160-4234-9102-93afb0f6d9ad",
         "firstName": "Rafaelia",
         "lastName": "Bladen"
   "_links": {
      "first": {
         "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/customers?firstNameFilter=R&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC&page=0&size=3&sort=firstName,asc"
      "self": {
         "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/customers?firstNameFilter=R&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC&page=0&size=3&sort=firstName,asc"
      "next": {
        "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/customers?firstNameFilter=R&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC&page=1&size=3&sort=firstName,asc"
      "last": {
        "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/customers?firstNameFilter=R&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC&page=19&size=3&sort=firstName,asc"
   "page": {
      "size": 3,
      "totalElements": 60,
      "totalPages": 20,
      "number": 0

Alternative Test Urls: http://localhost:8080/api/v4/customers?firstNameFilter=R&page=0&size=3&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=ASC http://localhost:8080/api/v4/customers?firstNameFilter=R&sortList=firstName&sortOrder=DESC