
Rails state select plugin mirror

Primary LanguageRuby

 state_select plugin allows you to easyly create dropdown list of states for a country provided as an option.
 Default counrty is US.

 state_select(object, method, country='US', options = {}, html_options = {})
	Currently it supports only INDIA US, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, SPAIN, FRANCE and UGANDA
	*Thanks keith(http://rubygreenblue.com/) for Australia states
	*Thanks Vicent (http://www.vicentgozalbes.com/) for Spain states
	*Thanks Chuck Phillips for Uganda states
	*Thanks Jonathan Tron for France states
	*Thanks Rodrigo Dominguez (http://www.rorra.com.ar/) for Argentine states

 If you want to add other country plese send me the list of states and I will add them.

   Akhil Bansal 
   Vinayak Solutions Pvt. Ltd.(http://vinsol.com)
   New Delhi, India