Using cde ( to generate archives for all the libraries used to execute jruby and an obscure early access openjdk build (

What works:

On 2.6 x86_64 kernels from the last 5 years:

$7z x eajdk.tar.7z 
$tar xvf eajdk.tar
$cd cde-package/cde-root/
$./cde-exec jruby -v
jruby (ruby-1.8.7-p330) (2011-09-30 4dba2c0) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_02-ea) [linux-amd64-java]

Info and some rubyconf 2011 notes:

Right now on master you should able to 

./cde-exec vim
./cde-exec bundle
./cde-exec pry