### GA WDI NYC Jan 14, Project 2
### Overview
Tangent is a web application that takes users on a journey of discovery through chosen words and their assoiations. Tangent was developed as a Rails project for the January 2014 Web Development Immersive course at General Assembly. It was developed over a one week sprint to model the agile software development process.
Ruby 2.1.0
Ruby on Rails 4.0.2
PostgreSQL Database
Authentication & Authorization (using bcypt-ruby)
Ruby Gems:
HTTParty (Used to query web services and examine the resulting output)(github.com/jnunemaker/httparty)
Addresable/URI (Used to generate the url to access Google’s API)(github.com/sporkmonger/addressable)
Bcrypt (Used to password protect ruby web app via authentication and authorization)(github.com/codahale/bcrypt-ruby)
Flickraw (A Ruby library used to access the Flickr API)(github.com/hanklords/flickraw)
d3-rails (Provides D3 for rails)(github.com/iblue/d3-rails)
Simplecov (Used to monitor test coverage)(github.com/colszowka/simplecov)
JSON (Used to use JSON objects in ruby)(github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js)
Javascript libraries:
D3.js (Used to visualize the data)(github.com/mbostock/d3)
Tooltip (Used to add event listeners to interactive elements)(github.com/x-tag/tooltip)
Keyboard.js (Used to make AJAX calls on keyboard arrow press)(github.com/RobertWHurst/KeyboardJS)
Tooltipsy.js (Used to add event listeners to interactive elements)(github.com/briancray/tooltipsy)
Darktooltip.js (Used to add event listeners to interactive elements)(github.com/darthrubens/darktooltip)
Wordnik (Used to find associative words and definitions)(developer.wordnik.com/)
Wolfram Alpha (Used to find stats on a certain topic)(products.wolframalpha.com/developers/)
Flickr (Used to generate pictures relating to a certain topic)(www.flickr.com/services/api/)
YouTube (Used to generate videos relating to a certain topic)(developers.google.com/youtube/)
Freebase (Used to generate descriptions relating to a certain topic)(developers.google.com/freebase/)
RSpec-Rails (Used to test methods)(github.com/rspec/rspec-rails)
Capybara (Used for acceptance testing)(github.com/jnicklas/capybara)
QT (Used to test javascript within capybara)(github.com/mirror/qt)
Factory Girl (Used to generate dummy models for testing)(github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl)
FFaker (Used to randomly generate words for models used in tests)(github.com/EmmanuelOga/ffaker)
### User Stories Completed
A user can view a saved journey visualization from first search to final search
A user can get a description of the topic
A registered user has a profile page with account information and journeys listed
A user can create an account
A user can log in/log out securely
A registered user can delete a journey from a journey list
A registered user can view a list of all journies
A user can go to the home page and search
A user can enter a term and see related topics
A user can see the names of other topics branched out from the first topic
A user can click on any word/topic on the tree and it will re-visualize it as the main word
A user can get statistical information about a topic
A user can click explore
A user can save their “journey”
A user can get any relevant video about the topic
A registered user can end one journey and create a new journey at any time
A registered user can view a bar graph visualization with each topic of the journey on it, and how long the user spent on the topic
A user can end the journey at any time by clicking the journey end button
### ERD
# A link to tangent can be found here: (tangentapp.herokuapp.com)
# The public repository for Tangent on Github can be found here:
# A full list of user stories can be found by looking at [this Pivotal Tracker Project](www.pivotaltracker.com/s/projects/1040714)
###### Written by Rory Budnick, Shawn Broukhim, Kirsten Doyne, Cory Haber, Quincy Iheme, and Kevin McAlear