
Code examples of Semantic Kernel with Java SDK

Primary LanguageJava


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Project Description

SemanticKernel-Basics is a project that demonstrates the usage of the Semantic Kernel Planner. The Semantic Kernel Planner is a powerful tool that utilizes Azure OpenAI's capabilities to perform semantic planning.


To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Copy the file conf.properties.example to conf.properties (located in the src/main/resources directory).
  3. Update the client.azureopenai.key and client.azureopenai.endpoint properties with your Azure OpenAI key and URL respectively. These credentials are required to access the Semantic Kernel Planner API.

The main class to demo the Semantic Kernel Planner is DemoStepwiseplanner. This class provides a comprehensive demonstration of the planner's capabilities and showcases its usage in various scenarios.


The DemoStepwisePlanner class is a comprehensive demonstration of the Semantic Kernel Planner's capabilities. It showcases how to create an instance of OpenAIAsyncClient, build a TextCompletion instance, and import skills from a directory. It also demonstrates how to create a StepwisePlanner instance, create a Plan instance, and invoke it asynchronously.

In addition, the DemoStepwisePlanner class includes inner classes Emailer and ResultDisplayServer that demonstrate how to retrieve an email address for a given user name, send an email with a subject, message, and email address, and display the email content in a browser.
