
Image description This is a simple Java Spring Boot application that manages a list of todos. The application is built with Maven and uses a MySQL database for persistence.

Main Features

  • Todo Management: The application allows you to create, read, update, and delete todos. Each todo has a title, description, and a status indicating whether it is done or not.

  • Database Persistence: The application uses a H2 database to persist the todos.

  • Spring Boot: The application is built using Spring Boot, which simplifies the setup and development of Spring applications.

Java Files

  • This is the main entry point of the Spring Boot application. It also includes a CommandLineRunner bean that initializes the TodoRepository with some todos.

  • This is the entity class that represents a todo. It includes fields for id, title, description, and done status, along with their getter and setter methods.

  • This is the controller class that handles HTTP requests for todo management. It includes methods for getting all todos, getting a todo by id, creating a todo, updating a todo, and deleting a todo by id.

  • This is the repository interface for performing CRUD operations on todos. It extends JpaRepository.

GitHub Actions

The project uses a GitHub Action workflow defined in .github/workflows/main_todomigraterpza.yml to automate the build and deployment of the application to Azure Web App.

The workflow is triggered on every push to the main branch or when manually dispatched from the GitHub Actions tab.

Here is a brief explanation of the steps in the workflow:

  1. Checkout: Checks out the code from the repository.

  2. Set up Java: Sets up the specified Java version on the runner.

  3. Cache Maven packages: Caches the Maven packages to speed up the build process.

  4. Build with Maven: Builds the application using Maven. The mvn clean install -B -V command is used to clean the project, install the dependencies, and build the project in batch mode while displaying version info.

  5. Upload artifact for deployment job: Uploads the built .war file as an artifact for the deployment job.

  6. Download artifact from build job: Downloads the artifact in the deployment job.

  7. Login to Azure: Logs in to Azure using the provided credentials.

  8. Deploy to Azure Web App: Deploys the application to the specified Azure Web App.

Please refer to the workflow file for more details and adjust the settings as needed for your environment.