
ROS Kinetic

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I am doing a research on how to use OSM and integrate it with ROS.
I wanted to know does this package works with ROS knitec?
Also can you Specify the steps to make it function like the youtube video?
thank you.

I have a similar question and hence decided to post as part of this one. I am using OSM ROS Melodic. As far as I understood, ROS Noetic is the earliest version of ROS that comes with Python 3 support. OSM uses Python 3 code. Is there a workaround without having to upgrade ROS?
Thanks !!

Please note that this package has never been actively maintained. It's mostly just a proof of concept.

Try version tag 0.2.4, it was released back in the Kinetic time frame, and would probably work on Kinetic with a little fiddling.