
Reading Gripper position with RWSStateMachineInterface

bhomaidan1990 opened this issue · 1 comments


Is there a proper way to read the Grippers positions with RWSStateMachineInterface using StateMachins-Addin rather than calling service to GetRAPIDSymbol to read a variable which stores g_GetPos() in RAPID?

What I want is to get the Smart gripper position and publish it to the /joint_states to be seen by MoveIt. thanks in advance.

@jontje I see the g_GetPos() method has been added to the EGM/RWS. (I had not made any changes to the main RAPID files. No custom module added.) I can get the g_GetPos printed on the Flex Pendant, but it is confusing how to publish them as a separate ROS topic like joint_states. Would you please suggest a solution to this problem?