
ODVA conformant Ethernet/IP interface drivers for Tolomatic stepper and servo controllers, where the ROS node is implemented as an Ethernet/IP adapter. Drivers depend on odva_ethernetp, a ROS-ready library implementing the Ethernet/IP protocol.

Topics named *_inputs are a direct echo of interface produced values, while *_status topics are derived from elements of these inputs. Note that, in the case of servo_status, target_position and position_error require TMI Network Assembly Remapping of Register 1 (Commanded Position) and Register 2 (Actual Position Error). For stepper, default mapping is used.

Implementation Limitations

The odva_ethernetp driver support of implicit messaging has limitations for multiple devices on the same network, so stepper and ACSI servo controller interface is implemented using explicit messaging only.


ROS Distro Support

Indigo Jade Kinetic Melodic
Branch [indigo-devel] [jade-devel] [kinetic-devel] [melodic-devel]
Status not tested not tested supported testing
Version [version] [version] [version] [version]


mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws
catkin init
git clone https://github.com/ros-industrial/tolomatic.git
wstool init src
wstool merge -t src src/tolomatic/.rosinstall
wstool update -t src
catkin build
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash


roslaunch acsi_eip_driver servo.launch
roslaunch stepper_eip_driver stepper.launch

Launch Files

  • stepper.launch
  • servo.launch



The stepper_node uses the compact output assembly, and so requires TMI configuration under Mode Setup for each desired move selection. At some point, the compact output assembly could be replaced by the full assembly, allowing for enhanced control features. See the manual for more detailed info.


  • host: The IP address of the controller
  • local_ip: Local IP used for implicit messaging
  • joint_name:
  • joint_states_topic:

Published Topics

  • stepper_inputs
float32 current_position
uint32 drive_status
uint32 drive_faults
uint32 digital_input
uint32 digital_output
float32 analog_input
float32 analog_output
  • stepper_status
bool stopped
bool host_control
bool homed
bool enabled
bool moving
bool brake_off
bool in_position
float32 target_position
float32 current_position
  • joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)

Advertised Services

  • enable
bool enable
bool success
  • profileMove
uint8 profile
bool success
  • home
bool home
bool success
  • stop
bool stop
bool success


The servo_node uses the full output assembly, where each service (generally) implements a specific motion type. For service call parameters velocity, position, and increment, the parameter sign will control drive direction. See the manual for more detailed info.


  • host: The IP address of the controller
  • local_ip: Local IP used for implicit messaging
  • joint_name:
  • joint_states_topic:
  • default_velocity:
  • default_accel:
  • default_decel:
  • default_force:

Published Topics

  • acsi_inputs
float32 current_position
uint32 drive_status
uint32 drive_faults
uint32 digital_input
uint32 digital_output
float32 analog_input
float32 analog_output
  • acsi_status
bool stopped
bool host_control
bool homed
bool enabled
bool moving
bool brake_off
bool in_position
float32 target_position
float32 position_error
float32 current_position
  • joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)

Advertised Services

  • enable
bool enable
bool success
  • estop
bool estop
bool success
  • setHome
bool sethome
bool success
  • setProfile
float32 velocity
float32 acceleration
float32 deceleration
float32 force
bool success
  • moveAbsolute
float32 position
bool success
  • moveHome
bool home
bool success
  • moveVelocity
float32 velocity
bool success
  • moveIncremental
float32 increment
bool success
  • moveRotary
float32 increment
bool success
  • moveSelect
uint8 select
bool success
  • moveStop
bool stop
bool success


Bill McCormick - http://swri.org