
Problem in humble with default installation of libc++-dev

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We initially found this problem here: open-rmf/rmf_traffic_editor#439

libceres-dev is needed by rmf_traffic_editor but can not be installed because of a conflict:

rmf_traffic_editor --> libceres-dev --> libgoogle-glog-dev --> libunwind-dev
setup-ros => libc++-dev --> libc++-14-dev --> libunwind-14-dev

In a clean ros:humble image there are no libc++-dev package installed:

dpkg -l | grep "c++"
ii  libstdc++-11-dev:amd64                            11.2.0-19ubuntu1                        amd64        GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
ii  libstdc++6:amd64                                  12-20220319-1ubuntu1                    amd64        GNU Standard C++ Library v3

With that ros:humble image, the rmf_traffic_editor can be built without conflict using rosdep install and colcon build.

Maybe it can be fixed by removing it from aptDependencies and adding it to distributionSpecificAptDependencies but replacing it with libc++-12-dev for humble?