
Not save pointcloud map

alvaropascuaI opened this issue · 4 comments

I launch topics that i need for see in rviz pointcloud, but dont save point cloud map, what i need configure ?

I launch camera with this roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch camera:=cam_2 serial_no:=153222070827 filters:=spatial,temporal,pointcloud

I launch rviz with rviz on terminal


Your environment

  • OS Version: Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Distro: Noetic

Sorry, but I don't understand your question. Obviously, you are able to display your point cloud.
What else are you missing? You can't save data from rviz. If you want to record data, consider rosbag.

What I want is for a map to be generated with the points that the rviz shows me, as with RTABMAP, but the problem is that a map is not generated from those point clouds

I don't know about RTABMAP. In any case, rviz doesn't perform any processing, it just displays information available in your ROS system. So, if you need to process the point cloud into some map, this should be handled elsewhere.

I understand, thank you so much i will search more information