
Why "subs_.push_back" in listener_with_userdata.cpp

weiweikong opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. What is the meaing for push_back() here and why we use vector to manage the construction of the three different chatterCallback?
  2. Why can not use the bellowing codes
void init()
    node_handle_.subscribe<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000, boost::bind(&Listener::chatterCallback, this, _1, "User 1"));
    node_handle_.subscribe<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000, boost::bind(&Listener::chatterCallback, this, _1, "User 2"));
    node_handle_.subscribe<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000, boost::bind(&Listener::chatterCallback, this, _1, "User 3"));

to initialse the different callback function?

The subscribe function returns a reference counted subscriber. When all copies of it go out of scope it will unsubscribe from the topic. Therefore the subscribers are stored in a vector to prevent them from going out of scope.

Please read the documentation of the function (NodeHandle::subscribe: and ask future questions on

@dirk-thomas thanks for your kind reply. There are still some confusions. More details please refer to .