
Feature request: rosbag2 reader that automatically detects if the bagfile is compressed or not

Rayman opened this issue · 6 comments


At the moment there are two readers:

  1. rosbag2_cpp::Reader
  2. rosbag2_compression::SequentialCompressionReader

If I use the normal reader on a compressed message bagfile I get this error:

'rmw_serialize: invalid data size, at ./src/rmw_node.cpp:1910'

If I use the compression reader on an uncompressed bagfile I get this

  what():  SequentialCompressionReader should not be initialized with NONE compression mode.

So that means I need to pick which reader based on the compression used in the bagfile.
But the bagfile contains the compression used, so there could be a reader that figures this out automatically.

Related Issues

Completion Criteria

A single reader interface that can read both compressed and uncompressed rosbags.

Implementation Notes / Suggestions

Testing Notes / Suggestions

Hi @Rayman, There is the only one robust way to detect whether the bag is compressed or not is to look into the metadata.yaml file and see what is inside the compression_format field.
And we have already do this in the ReaderWriterFactory::make_reader(storage_options) api

namespace rosbag2_transport
std::unique_ptr<rosbag2_cpp::Reader> ReaderWriterFactory::make_reader(
const rosbag2_storage::StorageOptions & storage_options)
rosbag2_storage::MetadataIo metadata_io;
std::unique_ptr<rosbag2_cpp::reader_interfaces::BaseReaderInterface> reader_impl;
if (metadata_io.metadata_file_exists(storage_options.uri)) {
auto metadata = metadata_io.read_metadata(storage_options.uri);
if (!metadata.compression_format.empty()) {
reader_impl = std::make_unique<rosbag2_compression::SequentialCompressionReader>();
if (!reader_impl) {
reader_impl = std::make_unique<rosbag2_cpp::readers::SequentialReader>();
return std::make_unique<rosbag2_cpp::Reader>(std::move(reader_impl));

I would encourage you to use this factory method as well.

Ah nice, I was looking for something like that.

Is it a good idea to update the tutorials to make use of this API? I can open a PR for that

Hmm, for recording, we also have a factory method for creating the Writer. However, it relies on the recorder options.
IMO, it will overcomplicate the tutorial.
Although for the it does make sense to show how to use factory method. I would appreciate a PR for that.

I've updated the documentation, so I'll close this issue

@Rayman Thanks for updating the documentation.
Now I think we need to consider moving the ReaderWriterFactory to the rosbag2_cpp layer.

Yes, it makes sense to have single Reader class that can be used in all circumstances (like in ROS1). And there could be an UncompressedReader and a CompressedReader underneath to do the actual work.